TMNT: The Mutually uNfortunate Teenagers or Turtles

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"TMNT? You want us to be the teenage mutant ninja turtles?" Team asks dumbfoundedly. He opens the door for both of them, but right now he wants to slam the door on Lee's face.

"Yeah. Why not. There are 4 equal characters, they're brothers, and they're super badass. Just like us. It totally fits the bill. " Lee lists out with his fingers one by one, then lifts his fingers up as he finishes.

"Maybe we should ask their opinion first? You know before we name the group after turtles." Team suggests sheepishly. At the same time taking their shoes off and putting them neatly on the shoe rack by the door.

"Turtles? Are you thinking about watching TMNT, Nong Lee?" P'Man asks from the kitchen.

"We were talking about something else P'Man." Lee answers and makes a face to Team as if saying 'shut it'.

"Good evening Khun Pi. I'm Team. I hope I'm not intruding." Team does a wai.

"Hi nong Team. P'Man is fine." the elder answers and does a wai as well. He turns his back to them then finishes whatever he was doing in the kitchen.

Team takes a seat on the couch then pulls Lee to sit beside him, then whispers "He doesn't seem so bad, Lee. What got you so worked up?"

"You'll see," Lee whispers back.

"Break it off, boys. I assume you already had dinner so here's some snacks. Do you want to watch a movie or something?" the elder asks.

Lee shakes his head and is ready to say no, but Team pulls him back and immediately answers, "Sure P'Man! What do you have in mind?"

"First off, I'll be sitting in between you two. That's fine right, Nong Team?" the elder turns to Team and asks innocently. To which Team nods eagerly.

"Of course P'." Team grabs the remote from the glass table and scoots to the left to let their senior sit between them. Team feels somebody looking at him, so he turns and sees Lee looking at him, panicked. And Team is starting to panic.

So they're arranged as Team on the furthest left, Man in the middle, and Lee on the right.

Team leans back to subtly look at Lee and mouths "You okay?"

To which Lee shakes his head and mouths back, "No. He's doing it again."

"Doing what?" Team mouths again.

"So what do you wanna watch, Lee? I heard mentions of turtles. How about TMNT II? That's your favorite from the franchise, right?" Man turns to his right and directly looks at Lee who's feigning innocence.

Man grabs the remote from Team's hand softly. Like as if Team wasn't holding the remote, more like he had it on his palm and he was just waiting for someone to get it from him. Like he was invisible.

then P'Man takes the bowl of chips from the table and offers it to Lee. Then turns towards the TV, and opens Netflix.

Team wants to test the waters.

"Lee, can you hand me the chips please?"

"Here you g-" Lee gets cut off.

"Here you go Nong Team," grabs the bowl from Lee, hands it to him, grabs it back, and puts it on Lee's lap again.

Then Team realizes. Ahh.

If his Hia goes silent and hovers and snarks at people. P'Man treats everybody else like air. And in Team's opinion, that's even harder to resist. Lee feels very special every time someone else is with them because the elder doesn't shy away from the skinship and the attention. However, in Lee's opinion, the elder does it because he's scared that Lee's parents will nag him for not taking care of him.

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