Runaway Duvet

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Team momentarily forgets that he was not supposed to be talking with his older best friend.

But here they are, in the said best friend's room, on their 2nd Big Mac. Team was downing his soda, thinking that Lays will be perfect side for his Big Mac, when, "Is it about that night? When we slept together?" Win asks.

Team chokes for the 2nd time in one day. At least this time he can punch his chest to help the food go down the right pipe. Win laughs and puts his burger down to rub the younger's back. Team shakes his head and clears his throat.

"Thanks. I'm good now," Win smiles and downs the last bit of his burger.

"So is it? I thought we talked about this already," Win says.

Team looks at the older in contemplation. Trying to look for the right words.

"You talked. I never even got the chance to say anything," Team says.

Win smirks and snarkily replies, "Oh yeah? And who's fault is that?"

Team clicks his tongue and shakes his head in remembrance, "Oh right. I bolted out of the room with your duvet," Team smiles in embarrassment.

"It's alright. But I thought we were done talking about it. We were both drunk, and-"

"The problem Hia is you knew that was my first time. My first time and I can't take it back," Team interjects.

"Wait, what? Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that was your first time. I wouldn't have- I honestly thought you were just too shy to talk about your sex life. I always tell you mine, and so I thought you were just taking your time to tell me," Win says forlornly.

"I'm sorry, Baby cheeks. I'm very sorry." Win apologizes.

Team sighs and looks away. Well, technically he was saving himself for him, but a sober him. A him that reciprocates his feelings and that also wants to have sex with him. But he can't be picky. He's honestly a little relieved it was with his tattooed friend other than someone else who he isn't in love with.

So now he's mad that he can't remember everything from his first time. And he honestly feels a little violated. But he's drunk, Win was drunk, and it's not like it's entirely the older one's fault. He knows for sure the older man didn't take advantage of him if the bite marks and the bruises on the other's body were anything. It even seemed like Team got wild and sucked the life out of the other like a leech. Compared to him, the older didn't leave any mark or any bruises on him. The only way he knew he had sex was the excruciating pain on his back and the undeniable stickiness on his person.

That and the sated feeling he had that morning. Like all or any frustration he had was pumped out of him. Literally.

Team looks at the older one and says, "I wanted to tell you if ever that happens. But I can't remember much of it anyway, and it's with you. So. What's the point?"

Win bows his head down and clicks his tongue, every 2 seconds.

"Hia, if there's anything you want to say, say it now. I know there's something you want to tell me,"

Win looks at him. Stares at his eyes for a solid 30 seconds and smiles.

"Well, I can still remember parts of it. I want to tell you more, but maybe only when we get over this, and when you feel better. I don't want to upset you even more. God knows this time you'll disappear from me for good," Win says.

Team bites his lips and nods his head, "Fine. But you have to tell me everything or else I will. Disappear from you for good,"

Win smiles whole-heartedly and it did so much to Team's heart. He's really, really this close to giving in.

"Please don't, baby cheeks. I don't know what I'd do without you," Win says lowly and brings a hand to Team's cheeks to pinch them gently. Softly.

And Team can only sit there, with his breathe held between each heartbeat.

"Why are you staring at me? And why is your face so warm?" Win teases.

Team squints his tiny eyes even more and says "You've been calling me baby cheeks this whole time. Don't think I didn't notice." Team excuses.

Win grins again, and pinches his cheeks one last time, with more strength and bite this time. He lets go and sits on the edge of the bed, with his body turned to him.

"There, there. I won't do it anymore. For today" Win says while looking at Team under his lashes.

Team shakes his head and wills his erratic heart to calm the fuck down. But he can only think, 'Please don't look at me like that if you only think of me as a friend, Hia. You're so handsome. You're so selfish. I hate you. I fucking hate you.'

"So we're good, right? I know you're mad at me but okay enough for you to respond to my texts and not disappear on me right?" Win asks.

Team bites his lips and nods his head. "Fine. But don't think I forgive you. You have to make it up to me."

Win nods his head enthusiastically and smiles. "Of course. I'll do anything."

Team smirks and points at Win, "You said it yourself. You'll do anything. Alright. I'll think of something. For now, let me eat in peace,"

Win looks at an eating Team, with a huge smile on his face, from under his lashes.

And Team thinks again, 'Please don't look at me like that if you only think of me as a friend, Hia. You're so handsome. You're so selfish. I hate you. I fucking hate you."


Oh no, you don't Team. Hahahah

All comments, suggestions, criticisms, fangirling, are very welcome in the comment section! Please tell me what you guys think. Haha

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Until then,


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