Win or Lose (II)

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Win steps out of the elevator just when it's about to close.

"What the hell? Win! Where are you going?" Nang asks.

Win turns to face him a bit, but his mind on somewhere else, he directs his hands up and says-

"Go up without me. I need to check something first."

"What is it?"

"Just go Nang. Don't wait up for me."


Before the elevator door closes again.

He jogs, runs towards the door, and takes a breath.

Team is here. He's sure of it.

Those are his sneakers. They may be normal sneakers, but he'll recognize these shoes anywhere.

White, a little rugged, overused, but kept clean.

It has to be.

'Please be here. Please be here. Please talk to me' Win chants.

He knocks, but it came on too weak because his hands are shaking. So he holds it in a fist, then knocks again. More purposeful this time.

This is it. He takes another inhale of air, hoping his voice doesn't break.

"Team? Are you there?" another inhale.

"Please open the door." it sounds out a little weak, but it's out.

He raises his knuckles again, attempting to knock, but he remembers Dean saying 'Lay low. Or you'll scare him away'. He puts his hands down at the last minute.

"Team? I just wanna talk." he raises his voice a bit. Maybe he just didn't hear him?



"Team? I know you're in there," he says again.

"Your shoes are outside the door. You forgot to bring them in again." He makes his voice sound a little playful.

"Please, Team." he's- he's this close to begging. On his knees.

But before his will leaves him, either to crumble down in front of Team's door or come barging in, the door swings open.

But- but it's not Team. A very, welcome familiar face. But not Team.

But he smiles, still.

"Papa In! Hello. I didn't know you were back here in Bangkok." he greets. He brings his hand together to greet the older man in a Wai.

"Yes. I was supposed to get here by Tuesday or Wednesday, but it's been almost a year since I went here, so I figured I'll get here early and have some time to see Bangkok again. Especially without your uncle. He can be quite clingy sometimes." The elder answers.

He chuckles at the short man's answer. Very familiar indeed.

"Clingy and whipped is what you mean, Papa." Win chimes in.

"Why does everybody say that?"

"Cause Uncle is whipped for you, Papa," Win teases again. He clasps his hands behind him.

"So, what brings you here, Luuk? Did you need anything from Team?" the elder asks. Win brightens up.

Team really is here!

"I just wanted to talk to him," Win says. He says as sincerely as he can. He believes that elders can detect those kinds of things.

His brother said he had Dad Korn roped in in his attempt, but it seems like Papa In is not into it.

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