The Powerpuff Girls

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'We're getting lunch at the Uni canteen. Wanna come?'

'Nah. I'll pass. U guys go,'

'Too late. We're outside your room.'

'Open the door,'

Team sighs and throws his phone on top of his bed. He but opens the door with all the enthusiasm.

"Then why bother texting me, assholes?" Team walks back to let the two in.

"Woah, sunshine, you woke up in the west today?" Manaow snarkily says.

Pharm takes a seat on the couch and leans back on it with his arms perched behind him.

"Everything alright Team?"

"Yeah. Just- " Team starts, waving his hand in the air without any flourish.

"Rough night?" Pharm supplies and Team nods to it.

"Team?" Manaow says, and Team can feel her eyes zooming in on him.

"Are those what I think it is? On your neck?" Manaow walks to Team who was leaning on the wall beside the door. She peers at Team's person, pointing at the undeniable splotches on Team's exposed throat.

Team unconsciously slaps his neck to cover it and nervously says- "What? What are you talking about?"

"Oh my god, they're huge." Pharm joins in.

"Oh my god, they're a lot!"

"Shit. Shit shit."

"Yeah, shit's right. Good thing I brought my foundation and concealer." Manaow says as she takes out her makeup bag.

"Oh my god. You look like you were- devoured. Like I'm talking about chewing and munching." Pharm gawks.

"Stop. I get it. I wanted to cover it up but I don't have any make-up,"

"You even have some behind your ear. I didn't know you could get those there. How are you gonna hide these during practice?" Manaow asks worriedly carefully applying makeup on Team's neck, making sure not to press too hard. They look like they hurt a little.

"Does it look like I can or want to go to swimming practice?" Team says as he tries his hardest not to cower or cringe.

"But competitions are around the corner. And P'Win will kill you if you don't go,"

Team winces at the mention of the elder to which Pharm and Manaow notice.

"Did he do this to you, Team?"

"Are you finally together now?" Manaow asks excitedly. And Team winces when she presses on his shoulder too hard.

"Oops! Sorry. So, are you?" she moves on to applying makeup on his throat.

The pale male shakes his head, looking down forlornly.

"Of course not. He said he regrets it and that it never should've happened,"


"He said what?" both exclaim in shock.

"Team, are you sure?"

Team shrugs.

"Of course I'm sure. I was there. He told me. I know he doesn't like me that way. But I let go, twice! I slept with him twice, and I still-" he bites his lips when he fails to say it as calmly as he wants.

"And here I am, vapidly, feeling hurt about it," Team can feel Manaow's eyes on him. So he tries a smile.


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