Fan Di Na, Krab

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Win steps in and closes the door behind him.

"Or more like I brought one of each on the menu in our favorite noodle place." the elder says with a dubious smile.

"What are you doing here?" Team asks. He cringed with how stupid it sounded, but it was the first thing in his mind.

"I'm bringing dinner." the blonde male answers. Casting his eyes down at the hand holding the take-out bags.

"No. I mean, what are you doing here?" Team asks again. Stressing on the words -doing here.

"Oh, umm I'm supposed to help you with the arrangements. It's why part of the flowers are in my room, right?" Win questions. Casting another skeptical look.

Team holds himself down.

'Do not cower, Team,' the younger tells himself.

"Oh. No need. I'm fine," He starts.

"The wedding is not till tomorrow. I still have time." Team finishes.

Blocking his hands with his back because they're getting a little fidgety thinking about the presence of mess all over the room, but the absence of anything done.

Team breathes in.

Inhale, exhale.

Team zones out a little, thinking in his head-

'Team, I think you've been away enough. What happened, happened. You can't change that. But you can't keep running away and losing an important person in your life over this. Yes, you can stay away, but do you really want to?'

'Do you really want to?'

Team absent-mindedly looks up when the question flashes in his thoughts.

He watches the man standing opposite him. Patient, insecure and bashful.

Still waiting and throwing a skeptical smile at him.

Waiting for him to say something, looking at him wanting to say something, but chooses not to, to wait for him to say something first.

He keeps looking at his eyes, then at his face, tilted a little to the right. Perhaps to follow Team's tilted head, too. And it's times like these. It's moments like these that remind the younger why.

Why he's in love with a person he shouldn't be.

He's so goddamn beautiful, and he's a very good friend.

His best friend. Even.

And it's why it's so hard. It's so damn hard to look at the most beautiful person he knows, physically and personally. The most beautiful person he knows, and not fall in love with him.

His eyes follow at his blonde tousled hair, and Team's brain starts to work again. Starts to function again. And ideas and images flash before his eyes and then he knows. He understands now.

He knows what to do with the flower arrangements tomorrow.

And now he knows what to do with his beating heart that wants him to say no, but is beating just as hard at him to say yes.

"Don't you at least need help with carrying the buckets? I can help. I'm down whatever," Win interjects.


"Hmm? Yes, Team." the elder says visibly startled. His smile becoming even bigger, closing his eyes all the way. Like everything is alright. Like everything is finally okay.


"Okay? You're letting me help?"

"Yeah. We need to actually talk already, anyway."

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