Chapter 2 • Ouch

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A/N: okay so Liam's going to be in the story already just so you know even though it's not second semester


Chloe's Point of View

After fourth period it was time for lunch. I met up with Mason to look for Violet and Garrett. We hurried along to go check by the tables. "Hey guys!" Violet said very happy. We turned around to come face to face with Violet and Garrett. Garrett gave us a smile. "So are we going to get some food and eat or are we going to look dumb and stand here" Mason told them looking at them weird. "Thank you! You read my mind I'm starving!!" I said exaggerating a bit. They laughed and we starting walking to a line to go get our lunch. After waiting for a while we went and sat down at a table.

"So how was everyone's first couple periods?" Violet asked as she bit into her chicken burger. "Pretty good actually their was this really cute guy in my 2nd" Mason said looking at everyone. "Did you talk to him?" I asked him. "Yeah of course!" Mason said nodding his head. "What did you tell him?"Garrett asked. "If I can borrow a pencil and than I told him I was Mason"Mason stated very proudly. Earning clapping from Violet and I laughing at his gestures.

A couple tables away were Scott and his friends.

Scott's Point of View

"So you excited for lacrosse next period?" Stiles asked me smirking. "Yeah of course that's all I've been thinking about!" I said looking around at them. "Well I had this teacher last period and one word rude." Lydia said shaking her head. "Why what did she or he do?" Kira asked Lydia as she opened her drink. I just kept looking around as if something was going to happen. "Well I walked in and sat down just like I would and than I was grabbing a pencil from my bag and she just plain out lectured me for how I should be prepared and how I should've already had a pencil as soon as I walk through the door!" Lydia said frustrated.

"Wow tough luck" Malia told her rolling her eyes. I shot a glare at Malia. Sometimes she can be rude without knowing. Stiles caught on and elbowed Malias arm. "sorry" she whispered. "So what about those new freshman" Lydia said wiggling her eyebrows. "I've seen better" Kira stated smiling at me. I smirked at her comment. "Their alright but Stiles is better" Malia said grabbing Stiles' hand he smiled back at her.

"You guys make me feel like the single one!" Lydia said sighing loudly. "Hey you have boys all up on you but you don't give them a chance" Malia said holding her hands up. "I just don't have an interest in them okay" Lydia told her annoyed. Kira bit her lip since it got awkward. As soon as we finished our lunch we got up to throw it away.

We started walking to the lacrosse field as Stiles and I went to the locker room to get dressed.

Chloe's Point of View

Mason, Violet, and I sat down as soon as Garrett left to change. We watched as some players were already done. As soon as everyone was on the field coach started lining them up. I looked to see Garrett and smiled at him earning a smile back. I looked more along the line and saw Scott and Stiles.

I looked at the goalie to see who it was since Danny didn't come back. I raised my eyebrows as I turned to Mason and Violet. "Guys who's that?" I asked them looking over at the goalie. "Oh I think his name is Liam I saw him in the principals office before we met up at lunch" Mason told me looking over at him. "I wonder if he's good" I said looking at him earning a glance from Liam himself he just shot a smile at me which I happily returned.

"Ooh Chloe you got something with Liam already" Violet told me wiggling her eyebrows. "No we haven't even properly met" I told her shrugging. "You never know" Violet sang at me. "What about you and Garrett. I see you two have been closer than usual." Mason told her as he glanced at Garrett than back at Violet. "Yeah what about you two!" I asked scooting closer to her. "I don't know I like him trust me but I feel like he likes someone else you know" Violet told us as she sighed. "Don't worry I'll talk to him of course he would like you I mean who wouldn't like you! I bet you Mason would go straight for you" I gushed to her as Mason nodded at my comment. Violet smiled at us both. "Okay guys I think the tryouts are starting" Mason said turning to the field of guys.

Shot after shot after shot nobody has made a goal yet. How sad the guys must be horrible which I doubt or the goalie Liam is just really good at this. "McCall! Stilinski! We're gonna do 2 on 1! Grab a long stick!" Coach yelled . Next up was Liam to try and goal having Scott and Stiles line up by the goal. The first shot went through which was pretty good. Until Malia starting arguing "That was luck!" She yelled. "C'mon do-over!" She shouted catching Coaches eyes. "Sweetheart this is practice. There no do-overs in practice." Coach stated looking at Maila.

"10 bucks on Scott and Stiles!" She shouted at him. "I'll take that action. Liam! Again." He called out. Liam went back to the front of the line ready to start. "Come on Liam!" Garrett shouted at him cheering him on.

He started running and as soon as he was going to goal Scott and Stiles tackled him to the floor. Earning a loud groan from Liam. I stood up wondering what happened since he didn't get up yet. Making a big crowd start to form of the lacrosse boys. Until coach started yelling at them to take him to the nurse or something. I ran down the bleachers to catch up to the boys. "Scott what was that!" I asked him clearly irritated. Garrett caught up to us to see if Liam was alright. "Is he okay? That was a hard fall." Garrett asked. "Don't worry we got him" Stiles told him. "I'll text you if he's alright I'm going with them" I assured him. He nodded and ran back to the field. "You didn't answer me!" I said a little louder.

"Don't worry it wasn't that bad" Stiles told me making me glare at him. As we got to his jeep putting Liam in the backseat with me. "You both are so rude! You were so worried about your status on the lacrosse team that you hurt a poor freshman!" I told them. "calm down" Scott told me putting his head in his hands. "Whatever" I muttered to them.

"Liam" I whispered he opened his eyes looking back at me giving me a small smile. His eyes are so blue beautiful. "I'm sorry about my stupid brother and his idiot friend" I told him making Liam chuckle a little. "It's okay for now. I never got your name" Liam told me trying to sit up a little. I noticed him struggle and helped him.

"Chloe, Chloe McCall" I told him smiling at him. "Nice name I saw you in the bleachers are you friends with Garrett?" He asked me. "Yeah we're best friends along with Violet and Mason" I told him fixing my skirt. "Oh that's cute" Liam said smiling. "Yeah" I said laughing.

"We're here!" Stiles screamed as him and Scott climbed out grabbing Liam. "Don't worry I got him" I told them. They backed off and stepped aside as I hopped out and wrapped Liam's arm around my shoulder. Helping him walk to the front desk. "Don't worry I'll make sure they don't bother you" I whispered to him looking back at a clueless Stiles and frustrated Scott.

Scott's Point of View

"Come on boys I expected more from you two." My mom told us clearly disappointed. Insighed feeling horrible to what I caused. "I didn't do it on purpose I just-" I got cut off by my mom. "Sweetie your status is that important to you that you would hurt a freshman and even worse in front of Chloe!" She said whispering a little loud.

"We're sorry" Stiles told her. "Oh I'm not the one who got a broken ankle from you two so go apologize to Liam." She stated turning back to go work again. "But mom we need to know the room-" I got caught off again. "Third door on the right" she told us walking away.

We both nodded walking to the room. "I'm sorry again for them two their usually a lot smarter than that little scene back their" We heard Chloe tell Liam. "Yeah I hope so. I can't believe that happened on my first day" Liam told her playing with his hands. "Don't worry I'll make them pay for that" she told him poking his shoulder earning a chuckle from Liam.

We both sighed as looked through the little glass window on the door hearing Chloe and Liam talk. We were about to walk in when Chloe saw us and walked up to us. "Guys please just stop he doesn't want to talk to you" she told us as Liam glared at them. I insisted but we got kicked out anyway.

"Let me go to the bathroom if they come back and bother you here's my number" She told Liam writing it down on some paper she found. He nodded and laid back down as she left.

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