Chapter 10 • Good

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Chloe's Point of View

I gathered all my things together. Scott was still finishing up his breakfast which was just a bowl of cereal along with apple juice.

"Okay kids. I'm off to work as usual, be careful, have fun, and learn. I love you both," mom said giving us both a kiss on the forehead along with a hug. It's the usual routine that goes on before school. "We love you to mom. Be careful." Both Scott and I said giving her a smile.

With that she was out the door and on her way to work. I sighed looking at my nails which were still chipped. I need to re do them as soon as I can. I looked up glancing at Scott who was already looking at me. "Are you really mad at me? Well Stiles and I?" Scott asked with his mouth full of cereal. Oh boy.

I tried to hold in my laugh, "of course not. It's just sometimes I just get frustrated with you two. It's all good though." He gave me a thumbs up and went back to eating his oh so precious cereal.

"Scott, uh you have some milk on your chin. Is the cereal that good?" I asked him, going over to grab some yogurt. "I'm not gonna lie. But this cereal is really good!" He said exaggerating more than he should.

I laughed peeling off the seal from my yogurt. I walked to the pantry taking out a box of plastic utensils. I looked for a spoon taking it out. "Does Stiles know we have to be on time?" I asked Scott, he was putting away his plate and cup.

"Yeah. He should unless something came up." He said grabbing his duffel bag along with his backpack. "I hope nothing came up. I have the algebra test today." I said, sitting down at the table.

"Is it that important?" He asked me. Was that a dumb question? Of course it is. Grades and learning and all that is needed in life. I finished up my yogurt throwing it away in the trash can. The front door swung open revealing a sleepy Stiles.

"Sorry I'm late. I just kind of overslept. But I'm ready for the day so let's go!" He said, while rubbing his eyes. I grabbed my bag walking outside to his jeep getting in the back. Scott came out after Stiles making sure to lock the door. With all the supernatural stuff we couldn't take any chances.

They opened the doors getting in. Stiles started the engine and backing out of the driveway. I took out my phone ready to listen to music and notice we're going the opposite way. "Um, Stiles. I get that you're tired but," I didn't finish my sentence but looked up at him.

"Oh yeah sorry. We're going to pick up Liam," he shrugged turning at the stop sign. Confused I just nod and take out my earbuds. I slip them in and play my morning playlist to wake me up a little more.

I looked outside noticing we arrived at Liam's. I haven't talked to him since Friday. It's Monday today. Or was it Friday? I don't even know anymore.

I noticed him wave bye to his mom jogging up to the jeep. Scott opened the door letting Liam in. I decided not to pay attention and just gave him a smile. My playlist was to good to just stop listening to.

After what seemed like ages we finally arrived at school. I hugged Scott and Stiles goodbye wishing them luck just in case they had exams. My phone vibrated. I unlocked my phone reading a text from Carly. 'Hey! :p' I smiled at the little emoticon. Most people nowadays use emojis not the cute little text ones.

I texted back 'hey :)' I looked up noticing Liam not walking with me anymore. He probably went to the bathroom. "Chloe!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around smiling at Brett and Brendon. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them taking out my earbuds.

"We wanted to come say hi." Brett shrugged looking down me. They were Giants. Brett's already like 6' 2" while I think Brendon was 6' or 6' 1". While I'm just here being 5' 4".

"Don't you guys have school?" I asked them putting away my earbuds. "Of course we do. But we got time." Brendon said biting his lip. I nodded at both of them. I looked around to notice Mason coming our way.

"Oh Mason's coming. Guess you get to meet my other best friend today Brendon." I said waving over Mason who had a big smile on his face.

"Hey Chloe! Brett! And um guy I don't know?" He said tilting his head to one side. "Okay Mason this is Brendon. Brendon this is Mason," I motioned between them while they just shook hands.

"I'm guessing you're from Devenford," Mason said scratching his arm. "Yeah is it that obvious?" Brendon asked fixing his backpack strap.

"Well for starters. You're wearing uniforms. You're also here with Brett. And yeah that's about it." I nodded agreeing with Mason.

"Okay well we have to go now. Got to get to school in time. See you later Chloe. Goodbye Mason." Brett said giving us both a hug. "Yeah we do. I'll catch you later Chloe. It was nice meeting you Mason." Brendon said giving both Mason and I a side hug at the same time. He kissed my cheek and with that they were off.

"Wait, are you two?" Mason asked pointing over at the tall brunette with Brett. "No, we're not." I said grabbing Mason's arm. "Now let's get to class!" I said walking with him. "Where's Liam?" He asked me grabbing his textbooks for first period.

"I don't know he disappeared on me as soon we got here," I shrugged. He could be anywhere. I checked my phone one last time reading Carly's text. 'We're going to the pool later after school. You want to come? It'll be all us girls and the guys. Even Brendon if you want ;)' I blushed at the thought of Brendon shirtless. I just hope he isn't the type of guy that wears speedos. That would be tragic.

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