Chapter 1 • First Day

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Chloe's Point of View

Today was the first day back at Beacon Hills High School back from our hectic crazy summer. I was up and early making sure not to wake up late. I could hear footsteps coming to my door. Someone knocked on the door. Probably Scott. "don't worry Scott I'm up already" I told him while I was started picking out my outfit.

Scott's Point of View

I shrugged and walked downstairs to start making myself some breakfast to be greeted by my mom. "morning Scott how was your sleep?" she asked me while I grabbed a box of some cereal pouring myself some into the bowl. "morning it was pretty good actually now that my life is somewhat back to normal" I said heading to the refrigerator to get the milk. Chloe walked down the stairs skipping every two steps being eager for some breakfast. "morning mom! Scott!" She said eagerly grabbing herself an apple to wash.

"why are you so cheery today? it's the first day?" I groaned taking a spoonful of my cereal. "morning sweetie Scott make sure not to spill any cereal. Now I have to go to work can you two get to school without causing a ruckus?" Mom asked us. "Of course mom don't worry about it" Chloe told her. "Stiles is driving us don't worry" I assured her as if on cue Stiles walked in.

"Morning Mrs. McCall, Chloe, Scott looking beautiful as ever" he told me earning laughter from Chloe and Mom. I rolled my eyes looking down at my cereal. "Morning okay I somewhat trust you Stiles have a good first day kids" she said as she kissed Chloe on the forehead hugged me and waved at Stiles. "Man Chloe if I didn't know any better I would think you're walking the runway today" Stiles told her as she fixed her top. I laughed as I shook my head at Stiles. "come on Stiles it's my first year in high school I got to make a good impression freshman year means new faces which leads to new boys" she said smiling probably thinking about what this year will bring. "okay Chloe education is first boyfriends later you can wait after high school for that" I said trying to get my point across.

"Scott I'm not going to be young forever!" She whined having Stiles chuckle. "so you two ready or not yet?" Stiles asked us pointing at the door. "I'm ready just let me go get my lacrosse bag" I said getting up to go to my room. "I need to go change into shoes I can't go in slippers!" Chloe panicked as she ran up to her room.

Seconds later I went running down the stairs not wanting to be late. "so you excited for what junior year will bring us?" Stiles asked me very excited. "Yeah I'm real excited for lacrosse" I said fixing his lacrosse stick. Chloe came walking down the stairs with her heels now on. "You sure you won't trip in those?" Stiles asked her as she walked to get her binder. "Of course not I'm prepared for these types of things" she said smiling. "Is it just me or is she Lydia Martin junior?" Stiles asked me. "I was thinking the same thing" I said earning a cough from Chloe. "Shall we go?" She asked rushing us. "Of course" Stiles spoke laughing.

Chloe's Point of View

We walked out to his jeep and hopped in. "Are you guys meeting Lydia, Kira, and Malia at school?" I asked them looking out the window. "yeah of course" Scott told me looking back. "Imagine if Stiles was a werewolf!" I said laughing earning a glare from Stiles. "You meeting Violet, Mason, and Garrett at school?" He asked me. "Of course why wouldn't I?" I said smiling.

Stiles pulled up to the school looking for a parking space. After minutes of trying he finally found one he parked. "okay I'll see you guys after school!" I said waving at them walking to where my friends should be.

Scott's Point of View

"Hey!" Malia said as she walked up to Stiles and I hugging us both. "I see Lydia Martin junior just left" she said turning to see Chloe catch up to her friends. "I would stop talking if I were you" Lydia said sternly walking up to us. That shushed her up.

"What's so bad about being a mini me?" Lydia asked getting a little irritated already and we weren't even in first period. "Nothing just take it as a compliment!" Stiles said trying to cover up. "I get it back in freshman year I wasn't the nicest person but she's really nice" Lydia said looking over at her as Chloe was laughing at something Mason just did.

"Don't worry it's just that you two love fashion that's all to it" I said giving her a reassuring smile. She smiled back at me. "hey guys!" Kira said running up to us a little out of breath. "Why so out of breath?" Malia asked her curious. "I woke up a little late and yeah kind of had to hurry here" she said smiling a little embarrassed. I chuckled at her cuteness and hugged her. "You could've called us you know?" I whispered to her she turned red mentally face palming herself.

"I knew that! What are you guys talking about?" She asked eager to join the conversation. "Little me" Lydia said looking at Chloe. Kira laughed and looked over at Chloe who was talking to some guy now obviously oblivious to him flirting with her. I groaned looking at them. "Scott she's not going to be a little girl forever just let it go" Kira assured me.

"Can we talk about something else?" Malia asked them desperate to change the subject. "I just don't want her to get hurt with all the supernatural stuff going on" I told them as Chloe walked up to us. "Hey I'm going to first see you guys later!" She said as she hugged me and Lydia waving at Malia, Kira, and Stiles. She walked away smiling at us.

"still worried?" They asked me making me scoff at them. Today's going to be a long day I thought. As we all started walking to first period going our separate ways.

Chloe's Point of View

I walked along with Garrett to our first period. Algebra. "I hate math it's so boring!" Garrett groaned walking slower. "Garrett! Come on we don't want to be late the first day!" I said tugging on his arm for him to walk faster.

We finally reached room 104. We walked in and sat towards the front. "Do you think our teacher is going to be nice?" I asked him. "I hope so a grumpy algebra teacher is the last thing I want on my butt" Garrett told me making me giggle at his remark. "Okay class nice to see you. Good morning I would really appreciate it if you all keep it clean today no trouble please" he told us as well whispered quietly to each other.

"open up your textbooks to lesson 1" he told us as he earned a bunch of groans from the class. Everyone started flipping open their textbooks. After about 50 minutes the bell rang meaning the period was over. "Okay class have a good first day don't worry about any homework I'm taking it easy on you this week" he said as everyone starts shuffling from their seats running for the door.

"how fun was that huh?" I told Garrett poking him. "boringggg!" He responded dramatically rolling his eyes. "What do you have now?" I asked him pulling my purse more up. "Uhm Biology" he told me tilting his head. "Me too!" I said a little to excited. "Wait I have another teacher" Garrett said groaning yet again. "okay well I'll see at lunch okay?" I asked him. "Of course!"

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