Chapter 3 • Risks

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Liam's Point of View

I just lay in bed unable to do much since my ankle is broken. But I keep hearing a sound. What is that? I got up even though I couldn't walk straight and starting limping up to the hallway. "Doctor!" I yelled out since the hospital seemed pretty empty for some reason. The lights started flickering on and off. Weird. "Hello! Is anyone here!" I shouted getting tired of just standing here. I could hear sounds from upstairs so I held onto the wall and limped up the staircase.

Scott's Point of View

My phone started ringing so I picked it up. "Scott go to the hospital. Okay look for Sean Wilcott." Lydia told me starting to panic a bit. "We're already here." I told her worried. What could possibly go wrong. "Go find him. Now!" Lydia told me her voice getting louder. I hung up and ran to go look for him. I eventually found his room but it was empty. Out of no where their was a faint scream. "Liam." I whispered.

I found my mom on the floor freaking out about something she just saw happen. "What happened? Mom?" I asked her kneeling down beside her. She was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe what she just saw. "Him the last one from his family I don't know..he had a bunch of sharp teeth...his eyes changed color...he went to the roof." she panted telling me pointing to the stairs. I nodded "Stay here." I told her as I ran up the stairs.

I got to the top to realize Liam, the benefactor, and the Sean all on the roof. What could he be? I thought to myself. Obviously not a werewolf or kanima. Liam was freaking out not knowing what he walked into. Sean was clutching onto him not letting him walk. They were on the ledge of the building. "Sean don't. Come here. We can help you." I told him. "Wendigos don't need help. We need food!" He said sternly glaring at us. "No. Please. Just give me Liam and we'll let you go." I told him looking at Liam struggle.

Sean dropped Liam thankfully he held onto the ledge of the building. I ran to Liam willing to help him up. I looked back at Sean and the Mute. "I can't hold on!" Liam shouted.

I'm so frustrated. How could I save Liam? So I did the first thing I could think of I bit Liam's arm. "Scott!" I heard Chloe scream looking to see my little sister with a shocked expression. That was the last thing I wanted to do bite an innocent person. He looked terrified while clutching onto his forearm. What did I do?

"Pull him up!" Chloe told me bringing me back to reality. I caught my breathe and helped Liam up back onto safe ground. "You bit me.." Liam said confused at what happened. "You-you're a werewolf?" Liam's voice barely above a whisper. I nodded not knowing how to explain it. Liam got up and ran back inside looking back at me and giving a small smile towards Chloe.

"What-what happened?" Chloe asked also as confused as Liam. "Chloe I'll explain" I told her walking up to her. "What did you do? I thought that was the last thing you wanted to do" she told me looking anywhere but at me. "It was the only way I could save him. I panicked." I told her sighing at what I did. "okay but you're going to explain that to him not me" she told me looking up at me. I could see some fear in her eyes to what she just witnessed. "Who was that other guy?" She asked me.

"Sean was the only one that survived in his family. The Mute killed his family" I told her. "okay I'm going to say bye to Liam and mom. Than can we walk home?" Chloe asked me. "Of course let me go talk to mom okay?" I asked her. "Okay." she told me walking down the stairs off the roof to go say bye to Liam and her mom.

Chloe's Point of View

I walked in to see Liam with now a white bandage over the bite. "you okay?" I asked him sitting on the edge of his bed. "yeah I just don't know what to think now" Liam told me while he kept looking at where he got bit. "I'm sorry" I told him looking at him. "Hey it's okay it's not your fault" he assured me as he grabbed my hand with his good arm.

"I should've never gone to the bathroom it wouldn't have happened I can be so dumb sometimes!" I let out most of my thoughts. "Hey it's okay when you have to go you got to go and you're not dumb trust me" he told me smiling at me. "Thanks well I have to go so be careful. See you at school tomorrow?" I asked him while I got up. "Of course" he told me letting go of my hand.

I smiled at him and left to go find my mom at the front desk. "Hey mom Scott and I are going to be leaving it is a school night" I told her giving her a small smile. "okay sweetie I'm almost done here anyway be careful though okay guys?" She asked both of us. We both nodded at her. "okay mom see you at home." Scott told her as we walked out the doors of the small hospital.

I followed right behind Scott walking side by side. "So much can happen in only 15 minutes" I told Scott while kicking a small pebble that was on the sidewalk. "Yeah I know were you really mad at Stiles and I?" Scott asking me looking at the road. "Well at the time yeah of course but hey that happened long ago don't worry about it" I told Scott patting his back smiling back up at him. "That's good we're the only two siblings imagine if we stayed mad for ever" Scott said happy that I wasn't mad anymore.

"But that was a dick move" I told him pushing him to the side laughing. "I couldn't agree more" he told me laughing along with me. "so have you talked to Derek lately" I asked Scott wondering if the alpha ever talked to him. "No I think I might talk to him tomorrow to tell him what happened I think he needs to know" Scott told me as we reached the edge of our house.

"Well that's good well I'm hungry considering we were at the hospital for two hours" I said sighing. "yeah we should make something together" Scott told me as we walked up to the door. Scott took out his key and put it in the key hole and unlocked the door. "How about Mac and Cheese?" I asked him taking out a box from the cabinets. "Yeah it doesn't take a whole lot of time I'm up for it" Scott said taking out the ingredients, bowl, and pan.

After we finished I walked up the stairs to my room to pick my pajamas I threw my phone on my bed to have it make 2 little jumps than land face down.

I walked to her dresser to pull on some pink and black checkered pajama bottoms along with a black long sleeve. I went to my vanity and sat down to take off my mascara hating to look like a raccoon after taking a shower. So instead I would always use make up wipes to take it off. Ting! I turned to my bed and grabbed my phone to see a text from an unknown number:

hey it's Liam just wanted to say goodnight and make sure you got home safe(:

I smiled and texted back:

hey and thanks goodnight see you tomorrow:)

With that I sent it and walked to have a shower.

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