Chapter 4 • Do It

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Chloe's Point of View

I woke up getting ready for another not normal but just another day of school. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face but ending up running into Scott. "Ow watch it" I told him rubbing my eyes. "Sorry sis just have to take a d-" I cut him off "don't even finish your sentence please" I told Scott. While he helped me up. "Thank you" Scott sing sang to me kissing my forehead. I smiled at him going downstairs to the kitchen.

I took out a coffee cup and took out a tea packet. I grabbed the kettle to get the water hot. I clicked it on and went back upstairs. Scott got out of the bathroom going to his room to get dressed. My phone vibrated on my bed grabbing my attention. It was from Mason in the group chat of Violet, Mason, Garrett, and I.

Mason: hey you guys don't mind Liam sitting with us right?

I thought about it what could be bad about him sitting with us.

I texted back right away.

Chloe: of course not why would we mind?

I clicked send immediately getting replys.

Garrett: you mean why would you mind love bird?

Violet: it's fine by me make sure you control yourself Chloe ;)

I laughed locking my phone walking over to my closet. I took out my black maxi chiffon skirt along with a floral crop top. I put it on and walked to grab my sandals. I grabbed my set of silver bracelets and grabbed some earrings that went along with my outfit.

I walked to the mirror posing to check myself out to see if it looks nice. I smiled in satisfaction but decided to put on a ring since I didn't put one on. I went to the bathroom deciding to curl my hair in loose curls. I took it one by one listening to music. After 30 minutes I finished and walked downstairs being greeted by my mom, Scott, and the wonderful Stiles.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Stiles said sarcastically making me playfully roll my eyes. "Oh stiles your sarcastic remarks always make my day. Oh what would I do without you!" I told him making dramatic hand gestures. "Well kiddos I better get going." Our mom said leaving out the door saying her goodbyes.

"Let me go grab my bag" Scott said going upstairs. "So joining anything this year little McCall?" Stiles asked me leaning on his elbow. "I don't think so" I told him thinking about it. "I see" Stiles told her getting up. "Okay let's go" Scott said going out the door.

We all got in the jeep going to school. When we finally got there we went our separate ways. Me to my group and Scott to his. "Mason!" I called waving at him. He turned around smiling at me. "Hey how's it going?" He asked adjusting his backpack strap. "Good are Violet and Garrett here yet?" I asked him looking around. "Oh I'm not sure" Mason told me smiling. "Oh so you were by yourself?" I asked him raising my eyebrows. He usually rides bus with Garrett and Violet.

"Of course not! Liam's here with me but he went to the bathroom probably to go and freshen up for you" Mason told me winking. I blushed looking down. "I'm back" Liam said walking up to us. "Hey" he told me smiling. "Hi Liam" I told him smiling back. "did I miss anything?" Mason told us looking at us both.

"What? No" I told him confused. "hey guys!" Violet said catching up to us. "Hey" we all told her. "where's Garrett?" I asked her. "I don't know" Violet said. "Oh I just thought you two would be together you know" Mason told her shrugging. I laughed quietly having Liam look at me confused. "Her and Garrett kind of have a thing but they're oblivious" I whispered in his ear.

Liam laughed catching on to them. "Hey guys!" Garrett yelled running up to them. "Hey" Violet told him smiling. "Hey" everyone else said. Liam looked at me trying not to smile. I nodded at him smiling. "What's up with you two?" Garrett told us smiling. "Oh we're just thinking about lacrosse they'll probably have another great season!" I told him gushing. "Mhmm sure that's what it is" Garrett said laughing at me.

The bell rang signaling it's time to go to first period. "I'll walk with you" Liam told Mason leaving with him and Violet. "I'll see you guys at lunch!" I told them waving. They waved back walking off. "So you and Liam?" Garrett told her wiggling his eyebrows. "What about him?" I told him trying to play it cool.

"He totally has a thing for you!" Garrett told me acting like a school girl. "No we're just good friends" I told him playfully slapping his arm. "So are you going to the party tonight?" Garrett asked me. "Probably are you taking Violet?" I asked him my turn to tease him. "I want to but I don't know" He said. "Do it trust me she'll say yes" I told him as we walked into their math class.


The bell ran signaling the ending period. I walked out with Garrett as we started walking to our next class. I noticed Mason and Liam walk out of their classroom which was close to ours. I noticed Liam get distracted and looked to the stairs to see Kira smiling at him. Are you serious? I rolled my eyes and continued to walk with Garrett to say hi to Mason as least. "What's wrong?" Garrett asked me aware of my annoyance. "Nothing. Just a bit tired that's all" I lied to him he nodded smiling at me.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Kira fall and I tried hard not to break a smile. Clumsy Kira. I looked at Liam and saw him run to Kira helping her up. You can't be serious. He likes her. Next period I had Violet along with Garrett. So I could tell her than. I guess Garrett noticed because he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. "Don't worry about it." He told me smiling. I smiled back at him.

"Let's get to class don't wanna be late." Garrett told me mocking me from the first day. I laughed at him. "Hey guys." Mason waved to us still in the same spot. We looked at him smiling. "Hey Mason" We told him back walking to our next class. I looked back at Mason to see him started at where Kira and Liam could still be. I looked back at them and I couldn't read Liam's expression. But oh well who cares. Kira gave me a small smile but I just turned back around walking with Garrett.

We walked into our English class to already see Violet their waiting for us. She smiled and waved to us. The teacher let us sit in groups of since it was a small class. "Hey guys!" Violet told us patting the spots next to us. "Hey!" Garrett hugged her and sat down. "Hi!" I side hugged her and sat down to. "What was that about?" She asked us motioning to how we walked in. "Oh well I think Liam has the hots for Kira." Garrett explained to her. She nodded understanding.

"Oh well if you want him to get jealous I got the perfect plan." Violet told me smirking. "Okay what is it? Nothing to harsh okay?" I asked her putting down my binder. "What about that Prep Boy?" She asked me referring to Brett. "I don't know I don't want to use him. But I do kind of like him." I told her biting my lip. "Okay not Brett. How about Garrett?" She asked me smiling. Doesn't she like him? "Um how would that work out?" I asked her confused. "He could just flirt with you and all that." She told me. "But what about you two?" I asked still unsure.

"Don't worry about that." Violet told me grabbing my arm. "Maybe another choice?" I asked them. "Don't worry I'll do it." Garrett told me grabbing my hand. "Just some friendly flirty right?" I asked him still not a fan of the idea. "Of course." He told me. "Now class please take out the homework from last night." The teacher announced earning a loud groan from everyone else.

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