Chapter 8 • Let's Go

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Chloe's Point of View

I groaned grabbing my phone to shut off the alarm. Today's Monday which is great since we got it off. What should I even do today? I took my phone off airplane mode to see if I missed any calls or messages and so on. I opened up Instagram going though my feed liking pictures and commenting on others.

I took a quick selfie of me in bed with the comforter covering me and just my head resting above the pillow. I posted it with the caption 'just woke up and hoping I find something to do!'.

I open the weather app to see how today would be. In the low 60s. Walking over to my closet I wonder about who I should hang out with today. Maybe Scott. I grabbed a pair of high waisted denim shorts. I decide to pair the shorts with a nice simple floral top, I bend down picking up my brown combat boots slipping them on foot by foot.

"Scott!" I shout walking to his room. "What?" He asked, I could just tell that he was on the phone. Probably with Kira. I sighed. "Nevermind!" I shout rolling my eyes at my brother. I take out my phone quickly dialing Brett. He picked up after the second ring. "Hello?" He asked with his morning voice. I smiled to myself not wanting to make a fool of myself. "Hi Brett." I said biting my lip.

"Oh hey Chloe! What's up?" He asked his tone sounding more awake. "I was wondering if you wanted to just hang out. I feel as if everyone's busy." I honestly said. It's true. "Yeah sure. What do you have in mind?" He asked. I could hear him shifting in his bed. "I'm not sure. But I'm really craving a coffee so maybe a cafe first?" I asked leaning on the counter.

"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll pick you up in a bit." I nodded. But then remembered that he couldn't see me. "Oh yeah! Sorry." I said hearing his chuckle. "Okay bye." "Bye." With that I hung up. I rested my head on my arms quietly breathing out loud. "Who was that?" I heard Scott say. "Don't worry about it. I'm just going out." I muttered not wanting to talk to him. He never has time for me anymore. "Okay?" He said. It came out more like a question.

"I'm heading on over to-" I interrupted him by saying "Kira's." I heard him awkwardly cough. "Um yeah. I'll see you later okay?" He asked I could hear him coming over to me. "Yeah sure whatever." I said mentally rolling my eyes this time. I felt him kiss my head and muttering a bye. With that he left. I got up groaning since I was now alone. I heard a quiet knock at the door making me get up. I slowly walked over taking my time.

"Any day now babe!" I heard Brett's voice say. I quickly sped up opening the door. "Brett!" I shouted jumping on him giving him a hug. "Hey how have you been?" He asked tilting my head up. "Honestly alright." I answered. I mean I haven't been really good but not really bad. "Good. Now that cafe?" He said setting me down gently. It was nice having a best friend who understood me from another school. "Yes!" I said running over to his motorcycle.

"Can I drive?" I asked excitedly putting my hands around the handles. "Of course not. We want to make it alive don't we?" He asked grinning at me. "Fine. But you have to teach me one day!" I smiled sliding to the back. "Okay hold on." He laughed turning it on.

~*at the cafe*~

I jumped off dusting my legs. "Your thighs are red on the back." He laughed lightly pushing me. "Seriously!" I touched the back of my thighs feeling them. "Come on let's go!" Brett said pulling my arm guiding me to the cafe. I forgot all about the red marks. We got inside going straight to the counter. "Yes could we please get two hot chocolates?" Brett asked talking to the cashier. He nodded typing it out for us.

"Okay thank you." Brett said grabbing the two coffees while laying the exact amount of cash on the counter. "Have a great day!" The cashier said waving at us. "You to!" Brett exclaimed looking back. "Can we sit in here?" I asked him looking over to a small booth by the Windows. "Sure I mean we're not in a rush." He said walking over to the booth.

"How's Scott?" He asked as we sat down. I scrunched my nose. "I honestly don't know I haven't had a proper conversation with him at all lately." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Woah. He's that busy huh?" He asked it sounded more like a statement. "Yeah. It really does suck. He's either busy with that supernatural stuff or with Kira." I shrugged.

The small cafe door opened loudly while the bells rang signaling someone came in. I looked at Brett noticing his eyebrows furrow together. "What?" I asked kicking his leg lightly. I heard a girl laugh with her heels clicking the floor. "Um it's.." He stopped himself grabbing my hand. "So do you have anything else planned?" He asked. "Well not yet. Maybe we could go to the park or something." I said slowly turning around to see who this loud person was. "Hey Chloe. You know you're really beautiful." Brett said giving me a smile.

I smiled looking down trying to hide my blush. "Thank you. You're pretty handsome to." I said not lying at all to him. He is handsome if we're being completely honest. "You know Brett. I really miss Violet and Garrett." I said letting some of my feelings. Well if you could call it that spill out. "Yeah. It's hard losing friends." He said resting his head on his hand.

"I really miss having a girl to talk to. Mom's never home. Kira's always with Scott. Malia's not to fond of me. Lydia has other things to worry about." I sighed talking to him. "Hey you have me." He said smiling showing off his million dollar smile. "Yeah. You're kind of like my girl friend but in a boys body you could say." I say trying to hold in my laugh.

"I'll let that slide!" He said narrowing his eyes. "Lets go." I said sliding out. "Yeah sure." He said standing up. "I really want you to meet some of my friends." He said putting his arm around my shoulder. The loud person from the cafe was out of my mind. "I'd love to." I said looking up. "They'll like you. Maybe you can meet someone special." He said giving me a wink. We got on his motorcycle making me think. I mean Brett's a pretty handsome guy. Imagine how his friends are!


We stopped at a house with cars parked in the driveway. They must all be hanging out right now. He opened the door with me walking behind him. Here it goes. "Brett!" They all greeted him with a hug with me awkwardly by his side. "Who's this?" One of them asked giving me a friendly smile. "Oh right. Guys this is Chloe. Chloe McCall." He said motioning towards me.

"Hi!" They all said waving at me. I noticed a group of five girls on the couch. "Well you can go talk to the girls." Brett said pointing to them. I looked over again and they waved me over. "Okay." I said walking over to them. "Hey." They all said scooting over to let me sit. "Hi."

"Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Carly." The blonde haired girl with blue eyes said. She had a nice fair skin tone. I smiled letting them go on. "I'm Ariana. Nice to meet you." The brunette said. She had brown eyes and tan skin. I have her a smile. "I'm Katherine." She had dark brown curls. She had piercing green eyes with a light complexion to match perfectly. "I'm Melanie." This time it was a ginger with blue eyes and some kind of tan skin but kind of pale. I nodded at her.

"And finally. I'm Jaiden." I looked over to see her with jet black hair and hazel eyes. She was pretty pale. I smiled once again. It's nice to see not everyone look the same. They're all different in their looks. "I'm Chloe as you all probably know." I laughed getting comfortable.

"Hey guys!" Said a boys voice behind me. They smiled waving at him. "Who's this?" He asked probably referring to me. I decided it was time to around so I did.

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