C H R I S T M A S ( K A R L )

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"Andddd done!" I let out a cheer as I finally finished decorating a gingerbread house. I took a picture of it and decided to tweet about it, instantly getting a lot of likes and replies.

As depressing as it sounds, I was gonna have to spend Christmas alone this year. My boyfriend lived somewhere else, and my parents were travelling to who knows where right about now.

I received gifts from friends and family, but not one from Karl yet. I probably shouldn't be greedy, but I couldn't help but think that he had gotten me something for Christmas since I got him something too, a scented candle from the shop I used to work part time at a long time ago and a new watch.

Karl had told me the night before that he couldn't fly over since he had some family issues to deal with,

"Yeah, my mom needs me home, an emergency she says. But I'll book the next flight there as soon as I'm done here!" he said, trying to cheer me up.

I let out a sigh, not bothered to cover up my disappointment, I would be lying if I said that I hadn't been expecting him to spend our first Christmas together this year.

"It's fine, Karl. Take all the time you need! Family's way more important, just stay safe alright?"

"Alright, gorgeous. I gotta go! Merry Christmas!" he said, as if he were in a rush. Before I could even say it back to him, he ad already hung up.

Which brings me back to the present.

I flopped down on my couch, looking for good Christmas movies to watch. Screw spending time with people, who needed company when self love is a thing.

I let out a sigh before my phone started ringing, a facetime call from Clay. I answered and set it down as I continued to look for good movies that I haven't already watched.

"Heyyyyyy! Y/N! Yoo hoo!" said Clay as I rolled my eyes and stood up my phone so that he could see both me and the television.

"Yes, yes Mr. IQ, I'm right here," I replied as he lets out a chuckle.

"Okay, damn. Didn't know you were dressing up as the Grinch for Christmas," he said as I scoffed,

"What are you doing, facetiming me anyways? Aren't you supposed to be having Christmas dinner with the fam or something?"

"Already did that. I just so happened to hear from a little birdie that you'd be alone this Christmas," he said as I finally settled on a movie to watch, clicking play and replying with a "Mhm,"

He lets out a scoff, "Wow, and to think that while I'm here making sure you have company, your just over there watching a movie while your on a call with me!"

I sighed as I paused the movie to look at him, "Alright, chief. Spill. I feel like your hiding something from me,"

He looked away before nervously replying, "Yeah.. Well.. I just wanted company?" he said as I raised an eyebrow at him which caused him to sigh,

"Fine.. I have a gift being sent to you right now.." he mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I grinned at him, "Aww, you shouldn't have! What is it?" I asked as he shook his head frowning,

"Nope! Not gonna say a thing! You'll find out, it should be arriving later. Don't worry, you'll love it," he said as he flashed me a grin.

As if on cue, I heard the doorbell ring. Clay must've heard it too because he quickly said, "There it is! Go open it. Call me tomorrow, I gotta go! Merry Christmas!" I said a quick "Merry Christmas" to him with a confused look on my face before he hung up.

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