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As I turned off the alarm, I realised that I had forgotten my water. I let out a groan of annoyance before walking out to grab a glass of water, noticing that Clay was now in his room, probably talking to Nick or George, judging by the noise in his room.

After getting a cup of water, I headed back into my room and noticed that Karl and Alex were already in the VC, both with muted mics, causing me to roll my eyes at their childishness.

I clicked to join the VC, welp here goes nothing.

"Hey, guys!"


Immediately both of them unmute their mics to greet me,

"Y/N, hey!"

"Hi, Y/N!"

They both went quiet upon realising they unmuted at the same time, I let out a laugh before they both joined in.

"Well see? That wasn't so bad," I teased both of them as they let out another laugh, "Yeah, I guess. I really fucking missed this," said Alex as I let out a hum.

Karl stayed quiet, which caused me to clear my throat, "Anyways, hope you two have been well, AND I expect the two of you to keep the conversation going after we've sorted things out,"

"Wait.. so you're not joining?" asked Karl, "Nah, I am. You both just mentally drained me during the stream just now. For real, it felt like I was the only one doing the entertaining for my stream and two children,"

"Oh, shut the fuck up. Your stream loved me," teased Alex as he lets out a laugh.

"Mm.. yeah. They liked me better though," Karl said mischievously as I rolled my eyes.

"You think so? We should have like a poll or something next time on Y/N's stream," Alex suggested as I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean I'm down," replied Karl. "Woah woah woah, it's MY stream, don't I get to decide?"

"Nope," they both said at the same time.

"Okay," I rolled my eyes as they both let out a laugh, "Oh come on, you know we love you," said Karl as Alex lets out a hum of agreement.

I let out a chuckle, "Well at least you both still agree on.. certain things before we even started talking about the situation here,"

They both went silent at that, causing me to let out a sigh, "Alright. Come on, we're all adults here. What's going on between you two?"

Neither of them dared to speak up first, but after a few seconds of silence, Karl cleared his throat before saying, "..It's actually just my fault. And before I explain why I just wanna say that Alex, I'm really sorry,"

Alex lets out a soft chuckle, "It's alright dude, it's not like we had any serious beef,"

"Yeah no. I acted like a total asshole here," said Karl as I let out a gasp, "You sweared! Oh fuck- I mean frick, bad timing,"

They both let out laughs, which caused me to smile.

"..Yeah, basically I was just really afraid of not standing a chance to get with Y/N because you two hang out so often without me," continued Karl as I let out a cough, "E..excuse me? This was all because of me?"

"I mean.. it's more on me than you, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just.. insecure in a way?" mumbled Karl as my smile softens.

Just before I could say anything, Alex cuts in, "Karl. We're in this together. I would never have any intentions to do you dirty like that," he lets out a chuckle before continuing, "Heck, I was insecure myself! I thought you had the advantage so I made sure to spend more time with Y/N,"

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