C H A P T E R 2 9

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"BYE Y/N! LOVE YOU!" yelled Karl.

"YEAH! LOVE YOU!" yelled Alex.

And just like that, Karl hung up, while I stood there, dumbfounded. My cheeks turned red as I realized what they said.

I knew it was a joke, yet why do I feel this way. I shook my head and shrugged it off, regaining my confidence before going back inside to finish the shoot with the other idiots.


I came home late that night, surprisingly enough, the boys actually stayed awake to greet me with grinning faces. It was nice to be welcomed home by someone else for once.

"What do you mean you have plans for today?!" asked Alex in disbelief. Karl was currently all over the place, looking for his phone he somehow lost just a few minutes ago.

"I forgot to tell you guys, okay? I won't be gone long anyways. Although I'm flattered you guys would miss me THAT much," chuckled Karl earning a gagging noise made from Alex and me.

"In your DREAMS! We're just pissed cause you ditched Among Us last minute," I scoffed as Karl lets out a sigh of relief upon finding his lost phone,

He walked to me and Alex and put a hand on each of our shoulders, talking to us like we were toddlers, "Okay, first off, I cancelled early, I was invited wayyy before you guys invited me a few minutes ago, which again, is not cool. Second, I'll be gone for a few hours, calm down!"

Alex mumbled something under his breathe as I sighed in defeat and raised an eyebrow at him to ask, "Be safe and be back soon alright?"

Karl let out a chuckle as he puts his hand up to salute at me, "Aye, aye, captain!"

I let out a laugh as it was Alex's turn to sigh in defeat, "Man, we were supposed to do this whole bit where we'd switch controllers and stuff too, since I have my laptop here with me," he mumbled the last part as I raised an eyebrow at him.

Karl lets out a laugh as he walks to the front door, "You have Y/N to do that! And I give you permission to use the setup in my temporary room since I won't be back that quickly! Gotta blast!" Karl yelled as he opens the door to step out.

"Have fun!" I yelled out as Karl closes the door behind him.

I turned to look at a pouting Alex.

"Come on you big pissbaby, we've got an Among Us stream to do!" I poked his cheek and dragged him to Karl's guest bedroom, with Alex groaning and whining about not being able to do the proper bit without Karl here.

"You giant pissbaby! Sit your ass down before I push you out the window!" I said as I struggled to push Alex down onto the chair since he was fighting back.

He lets out a laugh, "I'd love to see you fucking try! You can't even push me down!"

I let out a huff and frowned before I thought of an idea.

I took a few steps back as Alex lets out a confused look, then I quickly tackled him like those football players that Clay used to always talk about.

My shoulder was met with Alex chest as he lets out a "oomph" and soon he was on the chair with me on top of him,

I tried steadying myself but ended up falling on top of him again as I felt a pain in my shoulder, "Fuck, I think I did that wrongly.." I mumbled as Alex lets out a pained noise.

"Yeah, no fucking shit Sherlock! What the fuck? You trying to get me killed or something?" I let out a pained chuckle as I felt his arms on my shoulders, carefully holding me up so that I was now looking directly at his face.

It took me a while to register the awkward position we were both in. Apparently, Alex was already quite aware with the situation as his face was as red as a tomato.

We just stayed quiet for a while, staring at each other while blushing. I was gonna make a move to stand up, but I couldn't, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the pain that was slowy but surely fading away from my shoulder due to his hand being on it, or if it was because I just didn't want to get up. I'm thinking both. But, damn. Despite knowing him for a few weeks, something about him just pulls me in. He's just the type of person who'd get along well with anyone, despite having weird ways of showing it. Alex is a great person, who wouldn't fall for his charms..?

A sudden noise that came from the computer disrupted the moment we both had.

We both jumped as Alex cleared his throat and I got up.

"S-so.. I'll be over there.." I said pointing at my room, avoiding eye contact.

I tried to quickly walk away but was stopped by Alex holding my hand, "Uhm.. Can we talk.. About us? After the game?" he asked shyly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at how adorable he was being, "Of course, Alex,"

He finally looks at me and flashes me that smile of his, "Cool."

"Cool." I replied as I gave his hand a squeeze before we both let go and I went off to my room.

No one would ever know, how in those few special moments we had, my heart beated like I just ran a marathon.The butterflies he gave me, stuck with me throughout playing the game.

-958 words


IM BACK! I'll slow down on updates from now on- I realise how much better this story could be if I actually take time to write this time-

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