C H A P T E R 1 6

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"Nothing is gonna happen between us! God, you guys are like a bunch of gossiping teenage girls in high school," I rolled my eyes, causing Sapnap to do a horrible Regina George impression.

It was nice to know that they had my back, now that I think about it, I'm actually really nervous now. Let's just hope things go smoothly.

And just like that, they spent the rest of the night teasing me from time to time, as I had a battle with myself over whether or not I should be nervous for tomorrow.


I barely got any sleep last night, my alarm clock not helping me by waking me up at 5am in the morning. I forgot I set it to that time honestly.

I got up and got ready to pick up Alex from the airport in two hours. It takes me at least an hour to get myself ready, and that includes mentally too. It also takes at least 30 minutes for me to drive and arrive at the airport.

After doing my morning routine and also stopping by a coffee shop nearby for coffee, I started driving to the airport to pick Alex up. Originally, Carson was supposed to be doing that, but since he was gonna be staying at mine, I would be the one picking him up.

Alex called me a few hours ago to tell me he was boarding, which means he should be here in a few. This is honestly really exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.

I struggled to find a parking spot but after a few minutes later, I successfully found one nearby. I parked my car and waited for a while before getting out with my coffee in hand to walk to the gates where Alex should be arriving at.

I still had 10 minutes or even more till Alex gets here. Hopefully I'll be able to spot him easily, judging by the amount of times we facetimed eachother. I decided to scroll through twitter while waiting for Alex to arrive.

I glanced at the time, and sure enough, I had waited 30 minutes. I finished my coffee a few minutes ago and bought a water bottle as a substitute. Either ways, I was really awake right now, plus feeling more nervous than ever.

Suddenly I felt a hand tap my shoulder, which startled me a bit, causing me to turn around.

There he was, Alex Quackity, standing there with his luggage, flashing me the biggest grin ever.

I stood up from my seat and flashed him the same big grin before we both hugged eachother,

"Oh my god, Alex! You're actually here!" we were still hugging and I felt his chest vibrate as he lets out a laugh.

"What do you mean I'm actually here? Well of course I would be, where else would I go?" we both finally let go from the hug and laughed together whilst I punched his shoulder lightly.

"Okay, Mr Smartass. So, we're gonna be roommates for a week! How exciting is that?" I said as I did the jazz hands movements to him.

"Uh.. I think its best if I stayed over with Carson and the others because of that," he said giving me a smirk to show that he was kidding.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous of how good I am at doing jazz hands," I huffed at him as I grabbed one of his bags to help him out.

"You don't have to do that, also how are you significantly better at doing jazz hands than the rest of us if its just waving your hands," he asked as we both started walking to the exit.

"Your my guest, plus your probably super tired or jet lagged from that long ass flight. Also, how dare you just insult my years of practice on doing jazz hands?" I let out a sarcastic gasp, as Alex laughs from beside me.

"What are you- like Technoblade? Trained for a 100 years or something?" he said as I led us to my car.

"Nah, he does that whole blood god bit, to me its more like.. hours of sleep time for the sleep god," I said cringing a little, regretting what I had said.

Luckily, Alex found that funny and probably relatable right now as he laughs then says, "Too true! Let me guess, you haven't had enough sleep cause you were nervous of me coming over?"

Which caused me to stop right in front of my car and looked at him wide eyed, "Yeah! Wait.. how did you know that, are you some sort of like stalker?" I said as I nudged him jokingly and proceeded to unlock my car.

"Pfft, you wish! And nah, the same thing happened to me too. Nerves man," he said as we both loaded his bags and stuff at the back.

"Damn, you must be way more tired than I am then. I had coffee before coming here. Do you wanna stop by Starbucks to get some?" I asked him as he was still putting his bags in.

"Nah, its cool. Not really a coffee type of person, I could do with some breakfast though if you haven't had any yet?" he said as he shuts the back and we both walk to the front to get in.

"Breakfast date it is then! A friendly date of course," I added recalling past events. Which also made me remember something. "Oh, yeah. I also have a little surprise for you for your third day here,"

He looks at me with his eyebrows raised as I started my car and we both put our seatbelts on, "Oh? What is it?"

"Well, it wouldn't really be a surprise now if I told you right? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it! You've basically seen the surprise multiple times with me before you came here," I added a hint, probably wasn't as useful as I was trying not to give anything away.

"Huh? But if I've already seen the surprise then.. how would it be a surprise?" he asked as I started driving to a cafe in the city.

"Alexis. Stop. Asking. Questions. I'm actually afraid of ruining the surprise at this point," I said as he laughed, "But it will be a surprise don't worry, and you've only ever seen the surprise VIRTUALLY not real life, soo yeah!"

"Hmm, alright, but it could be anything though," he said as I scoffed at him,

"Well, duh! Like I said, its a surprise. Damn, Big Q, you really gotta stop pushing for more or else I'll give everything away," he laughed at that and replied with, "Alright, fine fine. I won't push for more details,"

After that we had breakfast together whilst talking about more things. Although we were both still super tired, the conversations we had made us stay awake. Although we'd often get glances from other people for our constant laughing.

This is definitely gonna be a fun week.

-1144 words



Updates will take a while! A chapter will take me at least two days to write, if not more! But woohoo 600+ reads, thank you! Big thanks to those who comment too, I love reading them. Also, the reason for slow updating of chapters is cause I have some huge exams on december and I'm really behind on studies since I've been procrastinating for too long. Buuuttt, I'm working on another story too, to make up for it. It'll be a 'X OC' type of fanfic. About a different youtuber/twitch streamer, not trying to reveal much D:

Anyways, thank you for reading! I appreciate it a lot! xo

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