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I noticed the man flinched for a second before he cleared his throat, "Well, howdy there, do you know where the closest er-" the man said in a weird cowboy impersonation before cutting himself off with a wheeze I know all too well.

"CLAY!" I yelled as he turns around and I ran towards him, basically tackling him in a hug.

"Nice to see you too, partner," said Clay still failing horribly in trying to impersonate a cowboy.

"Your such a dumbass.." I mumbled into his chest since we were still hugging, I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"Missed you too, N/N," said Clay, causing me to smile.

..Wait why the fuck is he here?


"Why the fuck are you here?" I asked him as we broke away from our hug. He lets out a wheeze at the sudden question.

"I'll explain once we're inside," he said as I raised an eyebrow at him, arms crossed. "What? I've been standing here for so long. Ray's not here," I let out a sigh of defeat and proceeded to fumble around looking for my keys and unlocking my front door.

Clay flashes me a grin as I helped him carry some of his stuff into the guest room. Lucky for him, me and Karl did some cleaning up which involved changing the bed sheets a few hours ago.

"So.. your probably wondering why I would waste my time to come visit you," said Clay as he sets his bags on the ground.

I let out a scoff, "Don't forget, I could kick you out any minute now," he lets out a chuckle as he pats my head, "Oh it was just a joke, no need to get your panties in a twist,"

I raised an eyebrow at him, unamused, "What the fu-"

"LANGUAGE!" he exclaims, before clearing his throat and the both of us sit on the bed, "Okay, so. Remember how I joked around about coming? Well, I was actually gonna plan on coming either ways. Karl texted me a few days ago asking me to come over to keep you company, he even offered to pay for my plane ticket,"

I was about to interject but he shushes me before I could, "ANYWAYS! He contacted me since, well, we're close. Plus, I wanted to come and check up on you. Your like a half sister to me,"

I opened my mouth once again to say something but he shushes me again, "Half sister cause of all the dirty jokes," I shrug in agreement.

"So, that's why I'm here. Just to keep you company for a few days, lowkey hoping to kick Quackity's ass for how he treated you," he mumbles the last part but I heard it clearly.

I punched him on the arm, "Clay!"

"Okay, okay! I'm kidding!" he puts both his hands up to surrender as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, half of it was true.." he mumbles as I crossed my arms,

"Okay fine! I was hoping to come here and.. tell him what I thought.. verbally.. or maybe even physically," he mumbles as I let out a chuckle.

I hugged him, which surprised him but he hugged me back, "Thank you for coming Clay,"

He lets out a playful scoff, "Now let's not get all high and mighty here, I didn't come here just for you. I came here for Ray too," he teases as I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of which, where is Ray?" I thought of how weird it was that she never stopped by often during Alex or Karl's stay, even though she used to come over every day.

Clay leans back on the bed before saying, "Apparently she's been hanging out with Schlatt these past few days," he rolls his eyes and I pull a confused look.

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