C H A P T E R 1 1

14.9K 409 471

After I said my goodbye's, I decided to raid Dream, who was streaming now. Man, I'm really gonna have to talk about all that with Clay and the others now, I should keep a reminder to punch the person that brings up my date with Karl later.

I proceeded to end stream whilst raiding Dream and joining their teamspeak.


"Hey guys!" I greeted the Dream Team, which included George, Sapnap and Dream.

"Oh look who decides to finally show up," said Sapnap,

"Excuse me, is that a tone of jealousy I hear?" I smirked at this.

"Well, you've been going on dates with Karl, who is by the way, MY MAN," said Sapnap, as we watched Dream get some wood through his livestream,

"Yeah, like, you ditched us for him, and you didn't even raid- THANK YOU Y/N WITH THE 15K RAID!" said Dream having a change of heart.

"Yes, I know, I'm amazing, I could've raided you with more viewers but I told them to go watch Tubbo since Karl's gonna continue with him," I said as Dream got lucky and found a sand temple. Maybe I could join them later if they're still gonna be on.

As if Dream was reading my mind he said, "Hey, after this stream is done you're staying here with us for George's stream," I pouted at this,

"Aw, but I hang out with you guys most of the time," I said causing them to scoff at me,

"Yeah, right. We didn't forget that you're still apart of the Lunch Club, plus now that you added Karl into you're schedule, we barely get enough time to hang with you. Since you're so dedicated to creating content, basically married to the grind," he said and I rolled my eyes at this despite no one being able to see it.

"I meaann, you don't get to where I am if you don't grind, honey. By the way, aww that means you guys missed my company! That is so sweet, I love you guys to," I said as George made a gagging noise.

"Ew, she's doing that weird thing again. Dream, are you sure we can't exclude her from my stream?" said George, then quickly added by Sapnap,

"Yeah, Dream, can't we like just ditch her, it's obvious she doesn't need us,"

I sat up straightly, I couldn't even tell if they were joking or not anymore,

"Hey- you know you guys are my number ones right? Like, Carson and the others are fine, but you guys would always come first, and I'll even arrange it so that I'd have more time to spend with you guys," I said, then it went silent before I heard laughter from Clay, which was then followed by George and Nick.

"Y/N, you know we were just messing around right? You're always welcomed here and plus, Carson was in chat and he just witnessed all that," George pointed out, which caused me to look at the chat.

CallMeCarsonLIVE: glad to know im ur number one :(

"What the fuck guys-" "Y/N!" they all yelled at me,

"Whoops, sorry, but Carson, shut up, don't say that in chat, that'll just make them feel bad for you when you honestly know that you're not offended in the slightest," I said, earning another reply from Carson in chat,

CallMeCarsonLIVE: nope still sad :(

CallMeCarsonLIVE: talk about ur date with Karl it would cheer me up :(

"Oh yeah, Y/N, how did you're date with Karl go?" asked George, obviously catching up with Carson's bit. Welp, there goes my chance to get more clout tomorrow-

"Wait, I don't wanna talk about that! Ew, girls have cooties, Y/N, back off my man," said Sapnap, oh what a dunderhead he was.

"Yeah, I agree about the part where we don't talk about it-" I got cut off by Dream saying, "No, no, go on, Sapnap shut up, we are gonna listen to this," great now Dream caught on too, guess there's no escaping this.

"Oh, you guys suck," I said as George and Dream laughed, whereas Sapnap was still confused,

"Soo? How was it? Did you guys kiss? Mwah mwah mwah," said George causing me to laugh,

"It's amazing how I forget that you're mentally 9 sometimes," causing Sapnap and Dream to laugh while George yells out a 'Hey!'.

"Anyways, we didn't virtually kiss or anything, you can ask Tubbo, he was there," I mentioned, and as if pigs started flying, Nick answered,

"Soo, you guys would've definitely stood on a crafting table if Tubbo wasn't there?" George and Dream both yelled at Sapnap to remind him we were streaming a family friendly stream,

I got flustered and said, "H-hey! NO! Stop that, Sapnap oh my goddd, that's just.. no.. by the way, what is this I'm hearing? Isn't Karl your man? Are you willing to give him up for me now?" I said smirking,

"Giving Karl up to someone that's named 'simp4karl' on twitter? Yikes, no way," said Sapnap,

"Oh yeah, why did you change it to 'simp4karl' Y/N hmmm?" said Dream,

"Cause Karl wanted me to, and plus, I barely use twitter anyways," I said as George started to add,

"So would you change your Inst-" I cut him off before he could even finish with a simple, "No, George, I will not change my display name on Instagram to be 'simp4george', nice try by the way. Karl already asked me that too,"

Dream decided to give it a try and said, "Well, then could-" I cut him off too,

"No, Dream, never in your wildest dreams, HAha see what I did there? Also Sapnap, I'm definitely not changing it to 'simp4sapnap' either," I said as George and Dream laughed whilst Sapnap huffed out, "What is that supposed to mean, 'definitely not',"

"It is what it is," I said, followed by George repeating my sentence,

"Well, now we know who Y/N cherishes most, me of course," said George, in which Dream had something to say about it,

"Uhm, no. She would choose me over anyone, any day, right Y/N?" Dream asked, looking for reassurance.

"I wouldn't say the same about that buddy, might as well replace you with Karl after the stunt you pulled today," I said mentioning the 'rose incident' that happened on my stream.

"Oh, come on now. You guys were flirting in front of a minor," he said referring to Tubbo, which was then followed by a quiet 'fuck' as his character in minecraft died from fall damage.

His cussing was quickly covered by me, George and Sapnap yelling out random noises, then it went quiet,

We all laughed and then I cleared my throat to speak, "Just saying Dream, Karl gave one to Tubbo soon after, and it wasn't really flirting, plus I think your just jealous," I said earning an 'ooh' from George and Sapnap.

Dream went quiet for a second, before he replied, "No.. I am not jealous, never," which made me laugh,

"Yeah, sure Dream. Don't worry, like I said before, you three are my favourites, I would never DREAM of leaving you guys," I said which caused them to groan at the pun I made,

"What? It was a good pun! You guys just don't know comedy, hmph," I said causing Sapnap to laugh at me,

"Did you just go 'hmph'?" George asked and to which I replied with,

"Oh fuck off Gogy," causing everyone to laugh,

These guys are honestly the best people to be around.

-1207 words


its getting annoying. please refrain from mentioning any scandals/dramas done by mentioned cc's in the story, if u wish to know what the fuck happened, then fucking look it up. DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT HERE.

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