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"Cool! Does that mean I could stream on your PC occasionally too?" Karl asked causing me to nod my head in agreement,

"You are my guest, unless you prefer using Alex's one, but he would be soon," I said feeling a strange pang in my chest, weird.

"Yeah, I'll go with Y/N's super setup!" said Karl causing Alex to intervene and add,

"Hey! My setup is probably way more better, it's just that mine is back home!" and to which Karl denied saying his was better,

I had to spent the rest of our trip to my apartment listening to two huge toddlers argue about their setup.

This is definitely gonna be a few hectic days.


Somehow, I got the two children to stop arguing and instead make up a game plan for when we arrive to our apartment. Honestly it was hilarious. They even thought of code names for each of us and acted like we were spies in a movie.

As we arrived to the apartment, the boys immediately got out and ran to the back to get all of Karl's stuff, claiming, 'we can't get caught by the mafia'.

They basically got all of Karl's stuff once I stepped out. It was impressive how quick they work as a team, without all the playful arguing.

I got dragged to my apartment, laughing as the two boys acted like spies in a movie.

"Damn, you guys should try out acting some time," I said as I fumbled around looking for my key,

"Yes, we're awesome. Now hurry up with the key before the mafia come," said Karl as he and Alex hid behind a pillar with finger guns.

I chuckled at how childish they were being and managed to finally find my keys and unlock the door.

I stepped aside and laughed as the boys shoved each other to get in.

"Chill, guys! I know you guys have never been to a woman's home before but sheesh," I exclaimed, closing the door behind me as Karl and Alex burst out laughing.

"Now that's where you're wrong! We get all the ladies," said Alex smugly,

"Yeah! If anything you probably don't get any ladies over," said Karl and to which I rolled my eyes to,

"In case you forget, I got a woman basically staying with me, she's literally next door,"

"You know what we mean!" said Karl and I turned around to face them with a grin on my face,

"Sure, sure. Anyways, welcome Karl! You can go ahead and unpack some stuff in Alex's room, there should be space for you there," I said shooting a look at Alex and to which he gave me a thumbs up,

"Yup! I WAS PREPARED EVEN THOUGH YOU NEVER TOLD ME KARL WAS COMING WOO!" cheered Alex as he put a fist up and marched to his room with Karl following and wheezing behind.

"Please don't break anything!" I said in between laughs, not sure if they could hear me over Alex's cheering.

TIMESKIP TO A FEW HOURS LATER brought to you by the chaotic duo, Karl and Quackity :)

Karl was on Alex's temporary bed, watching him stream while I got us some food through uber eats and cleaned up my desk a bit so that Karl would be able to sit with me comfortably,

After a while I decided to check up on the boys, I decided to stop at the closed door and listen in to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything,

"KARL WE'RE GONNA DIE IN LAVA!" yelled Alex and I heard some shuffling which I assumed was Karl's,


I chuckled to myself, looks like Alex was streaming with Karl and BadBoyHalo.

I backed away, not wanting to ruin their fun,

"BAD! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I heard Karl scream which was followed by laughter from both boys afterwards.

I decided to text Clay to ask when he'd be live,

Y/N/N: when r u gonna be live??

Green Bastard: in a few secs, you guys can join in 10 mins if thats cool with quackity

Y/N/N: yeah he's gonna be ending and raiding u soon

Green Bastard: cool cya then, btw they haven't tried anything have they?

I smiled and rolled my eyes at this, typical Clay, being protective.

Y/N/N: nahhh, and besides ray would get to them before you lol

Green Bastard: truee and i would break their kneecaps and lock them in my basement for sure ;)

Y/N/N: okay sangwoo

Green Bastard: who???

I stopped it there and decided to head to my room and texted Karl that they had 10 mins left.

5 mins later, I heard thumping outside my room. It was probably Karl or Alex, I was too lazy to check since I was already laid down on a comfortable position on my bed.

Turns out I didn't have to go check since my door burst open and Karl jumped on my bed and laid down beside me,

"Hi! Wow this is comfy, maybe I should sleep here?" he said facing me and to which I raised an eyebrow at.

"I'm not sure how Alex would feel about that- like aren't you guys a thing?" I said jokingly as he chuckled,

"Y/N.. you do realize that was a bit," he said looking at me at the corner of his eyes, unable to keep a straight face.

I gasped in shock sarcastically, "Karl Jacobs! You do not get to tell me this now, as a master of bits, I am offended!" I held a hand over my heart as I said that in between laughs.

"Yeah- yeah, whatever floats your boat. Anyways, can't I crash here tonight? I won't try anything, I promise!" he said looking at me and giving me those adorable puppy eyes,

"Uhm.. Well, we'll have to ask Alex first-" he raised an eyebrow at me, confused, "SINCE! he is also staying under the same roof, and you will have to talk to Dream about this, since he will murder both me and you when he finds out- and trust me he will find out somehow,"

Karl looks at me grinning and kisses my cheek before getting up and running off and yelling, "Alright! I'll be prepared to face your parents!"

I turned red and stayed still for a moment, processing what had just happened. Smiling like a weirdo after realizing,

Karl Jacobs is one slick bastard.

-1048 words

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