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Dream's P.O.V

A few months back. . .

"I'm hanging up." Some nerve he has to call me after what he did. "Wait- Dream! Please, you don't have to forgive me but I'm really sorry and I know what I did was wrong but.. I'm asking you for this one thing."

"Talk." It's no use being kind to him. After he hurt Y/N like that- should I just block him or something.

"Please take care of her. I'll admit, I like her a lot and what I did was incredibly wrong, I'll apologise to her soon but please." Quackity begged. I let out a scoff, the nerve he has. "You are actually dumb if you think I won't take care of her. In fact I'm already way ahead of you, I've already planned to fly out to her. To fix the mess you caused."

I heard him let out a shaky breath as if he were about to cry, "Thank you, Dream."

"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this because I like her too," Wait.

"..What?" The disbelief in Quackity's voice was evident, even I was shocked that I'd just confess like that. "It was.. It was in the heat of the moment, I just said that to piss you off because you deserve it."

"I know I fucked up but you like her right? How long? And why haven't you made your move?"He's pissing me off.

I let out a dark chuckle, making sure the venom in my voice was heard by these next few words, "Why should I tell you of all people? So I can be another one of your stupid rivals? Unlike both you and Karl I actually care about her feelings and I would never force her into anything she doesn't want. You two pressure her, like a kid fighting for a toy in a toy store. You treat her like she's some sort of prize." Maybe I was too harsh, this wasn't like me at all. But the both of them just make me so mad. Why can't they just leave us alone.

"Are you sure that's worse than never making a move and taking the risk?" What. This is ridiculous..

"Dream are you satisfied with being able to stay as her friend forever without ever trying to even be more than that? Or are you scared that your friendship might change because of it, hence why you never even tried to make a move." He's getting on my nerves.

"No, I would gladly take the risk. You're wrong. If I wanted to ask her out I would've, but she's having such a hard time because of you two."

"You and Y/N have known each other since you were young. Then why didn't you make a single move before me and Karl showed up?"

This left me speechless. What could I say? That was the truth.

"I.. You're still wrong. I'll confess to her, I'm just.. waiting for the right time." I heard him let out a chuckle, doubting my words. "Dream. I know I fucked up, but you fucked up even worse. Although I hope that there's no bad blood between us. Take care of her, Dream."

Present . . .

"Y/N, your a very special friend to me and.. uh.. I just wanted to say that I li-"

Ring! Ring! Ring!

An alarm went off. She mumbled something I couldn't hear, but I think she was asking for me to continue, "Nothing.. just that I liked your stream just now,"

She shot me a look and chuckled, "You are definitely more of a loser than I am."

This was my last chance. I could just say it right now and get it over it, "You're right. I am,"

Letting out a sigh, I went to my room. Feeling the wave of defeat wash over me.

Laying on my bed, I felt my heart rate picking up it's speed. That was so close. I was so close, but why didn't I just do it?

"Are you sure that's worse than never making a move and taking the risk?"

His words pissed me off. But he was right.

Letting out a chuckle, I felt my tears building up. Even though I didn't get rejected, it still felt like I did. From when we were young, she only ever saw me as a friend. We'd never date each other despite coming to that age where we'd date people. How could I have been so dumb.

I'm too late. She probably sees me as a brother rather than a man now. This frustrates me. I want to leave.

But that would upset her, and her happiness comes first.

With that being said, I went to my PC and opened up Discord to call George. I needed someone to talk to before I lose my mind.


"Hello Dream? Do you know how late it is now?" Shuffling came from his end, it sounded like he answered on his phone, "Since when did you care about how late it was?"

"I guess you have a point there. So, why'd you call so suddenly? You could've messaged me beforehand, I was about to leave." I probably shouldn't disturb him with my childish problems. But then again he's the only one I can turn to for now.

"Dream? You there?" he asked, noticing my silence. "Yeah, I'm here. I'm just.. thinking."

We both stayed quiet for a bit until he broke the silence, "..What are you thinking about?" he hesitated to ask, knowing that there was definitely something wrong. "Y/N." her name just came out so easily.

"Ah." he replied. I heard a door close and some shuffling before he left the call, maybe he didn't want to do anything with me being this idiotic. I wouldn't even blame him at this point if I'm being honest. George and Sapnap had been there for me whenever I had something to rant about, usually that stuff involved Y/N.


"Oh? You're back." I stated out the obvious, making him scoff. "You owe me for this one, let's get on the DreamSMP while we talk. I wanna go look for netherite."

This made me let out a chuckle. I decided to get on the DreamSMP like he told me to, all while having a smile on my face.

"Alright, talk." he said smoothly as his character punched mine once in game. "I tried to tell her I liked her like you and Sapnap said I should."


. . .

. .



Letting out a sigh, I mumbled, "I didn't manage to do it cause it was so obvious I'd get rejected." I heard him let out a laugh after I said that, "What? So you just assumed she'd reject you when she probably feels the same way?"

"I'm not supposed to be a love interest.. This is a Karl and Quackity fanfic.."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'd just assume she'd reject me cause I've given her a lot of hints and yet she's only ever said I'm like her like- brother or something." I let out a bitter chuckle at the end. "Well yeah. You guys grew up together. It'd be hard to not see the person you grew up with as a brother or sister."

I stayed quiet, awaiting his next words which came shortly, "Dream. It's okay to hide your feelings away, especially if you think it'll ruin your friendship. It's not called being dumb, you just care more about staying beside her rather than loving her freely in the way that you want. If you're not ready to confess then don't do it. Wait a few more months, try to move on until then. Even if it's too late, at the very least you'll still get to be by her side."


He was right.

I didn't care about relationships or titles when it comes to Y/N. All I cared about was whether I was still going to stay beside her throughout her life or not. We grew up together, so the last thing I'd want is to lose her now, after everything we've been through.

"Thank you, George." he hummed in return, resuming to do whatever it was that he was doing.

I'll protect her. As a friend, I won't cause any other problems since it's the last thing she needs now given what those two have done.

Her best friend. The thought of it makes me smile.

That's right. I'm perfectly fine with being her friend.

-1423 words

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