C H A P T E R 2 0

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I jumped in my seat, broken from the trance we were in as the door to Carson's room opened, I quickly said my goodbyes to Karl as Alex and Carson came out of the room.

I wasn't sure why I was eager on hiding my call with Karl, maybe it was to avoid being questioned, or maybe it was something else?

Either way, the rest of the day I was just thinking of our little conversation, with a smile every now and then appearing on my face. Which I brushed it off to everyone else, telling them I was just in a great mood.


After the stream with Carson, I brought Alex to all my favorite places, most of the places involved food which we kept shoving down our mouths.

We decided to walk it off at the beach, and so we drove there, an hour before the sun sets.

We got out of the car, laughing at a funny story Alex was telling me,

"Tiger literally just cut me like that, no reason, no cap!" he said as I just laugh even harder,

"WOW. 'no cap' he says," I raised my eyebrows at him as he rolls his eyes still smiling,

"Okay, well.. NOT THE POINT! Just saying, it hurt so bad for a few days, I'm surprised Twitch wasn't out to get me," he said in between laughs.

I smiled at him as we sat down under a palm tree nearby, "Maybe I should get a pet one day, I've always wanted one when I was younger, but my parents wouldn't let me,"

"Well, you don't live with them now, do you? So, what's stopping you?" he asked as realization hits me.

"Your right! Damn, you can actually be a genius sometimes.." I joked as he laughs and nudges me playfully,

"Hey! Maybe your just an idiot most of the times," he said grinning as I faked a hurt expression and hit his arm,

"OKAY! Rude. But, I had that coming. Tell you what, I'll let you decide the name for my pet," I said looking at him seriously as he laughs in disbelief,

"Nonono. We can do it together, but I'm not doing it alone. It's gonna be your first pet for fucks sake!" I rolled my eyes and smiled at this,

"Yeah.. I guess," and we both went silent, just enjoying the view in front of us.

I felt tired so I decided to lay my head on his shoulder.

I felt Alex tense up a bit before relaxing and scooting closer to me,

"Damn.. Never in my life would I think that scenes like these in movies are actually quite real and enjoyable," he said as I let out a chuckle.

"Don't ruin the moment, Alex," I got my head off his shoulder as the sun started to set,

"Ruin this? Never." said Alex, also admiring the sunset like me.

After a few minutes, I felt Alex shift beside me, he was now looking at me,

"Hey, Y/N?" he asked and I shifted to look at him too,

"Yeah, Alex?" I asked him smiling,

"I'm glad I came here," he said smiling back at me,

"I'm glad you came here too," I said unaware that we were both leaning in closer and closer,

"This is definitely not like any mexican soap opera I've seen," he said as he glanced at my lips then back at my eyes,

"Oh yeah? How so?" I challenged him, a hint of mischief in my tone,

"Because.. I can do this," he said as he leaned in to put his lips on mine.

I knew that in that moment, we just didn't care about anything else. My mind told me to stop, but my heart just told me to keep going, and so I did, kissing him back as I cupped his cheek with one hand.

He holds the back of my head to deepen the kiss, sending this electrical feeling flowing throughout our body as the kiss was somewhat steamy but passionate. In the end, we both had to pull away, gasping for air.

I was speechless, the kiss was so intense, we were both flustered.

Luckily for me, Alex breaks silence that came afterwards, "Guess you weren't a detour after all," causing me to burst out laughing, which was followed by him afterwards.

"Wow. You sure know how to ruin the moment," I said in between laughs as he got up and dusted himself off before offering me a hand.

"Thanks, anyways. Wanna get some tacos?" I asked him as he pulled me up and I began to dust myself off.

He smirked and raised an eyebrow at me before asking, "Did you just suggest that cause I'm Mexican," and to which I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Oh please. The world doesn't revolve around you, get off your high horse king!" I said as I started walking back to the car, leaving Alex behind, in awe at my comeback.

I turned around and laughed at his reaction before holding a hand out to him, "Come on, QuackiKing, I'm flattered your still enjoying the view but I'm hungry," causing him to snap out of it and laugh.

"You've definitely been hanging out with Tommy too much to have a big ego like that," he said holding my hand and walking with me.

"Maybe I have, or maybe I'm just aware of how amazing I am," I said flipping my hair over my shoulder with my other hand dramatically, causing him to scoff at me.

"'Oh please. The world doesn't resolve around you, get off your high horse queen!'" he said trying to mimic my voice, earning a laugh from me.

"Alexis, you are unbelievable," I said looking at him as we stopped in front of my car, trying not to laugh but failed miserably.

"But you love me," he said jokingly as he placed a kiss on my hand, which caused me to roll my eyes but still blush nonetheless.

"Love is a strong word.. Your tolerable!" I said placing a kiss on his cheek before letting go of his hand and quickly going into the drivers seat, laughing as Alex held his cheek blushing while walking over to the other side.

He mumbled something under his breath as he gets in, "What was that?" I asked him, starting the car.

"Nothing!" he said as I shrugged it off and started our journey to a nearby dining place.

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