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Fundy's P.O.V

"Y/N.. we should really hang out more," Here goes nothing.

"Fundy.. we've been talking in VC these past 3 days for approximately 9 hours," Ah, shit. She has a point, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up.

"There are 24 hours in a day. 15 hours for us to get a better opportunity to bond with each other and strengthen this friendship. Besides, magic is money- or whatever the saying was,"

She lets out a scoff, "Dipshit don't joke about my little pony like that, friendship means more money to make," This made me laugh, "Woah there. We aren't even streaming right now, do you really see our friendship like that?"

"Oh shut up, I know you're teasing me. Besides if anyone is making money by leeching off the other person then that person is you," Letting out a chuckle, I stretched a little before checking how long we've been in VC. 7 hours and 23 minutes.

As if on cue, I heard Y/N let out a yawn. "You tired? You should leave the call to get some sleep," Honestly, hearing her yawn is making me want to yawn too.

"Nah, I'll just join with my phone and then we both can sleep call or something. As friends of course," I agreed with her which made her leave the call momentarily, giving me some time to think.

I had my Love Or Host- which I had lost three days ago. Honestly, I would've probably won had I chosen Y/N as one of the last three. I thought she would've hosted me given the relationship between her and Quackity or Karl. But boy was I wrong.

After I eliminated her which revealed that she had chosen love instead, she decided to laugh in my face about it and playfully argued a bit on how I would've probably lost the Love or Host since (according to Y/N) I'm too dedicated to doing the bits to notice the "love and affection" a woman offers me. But either ways, it was fun.

Ever since that day, Y/N felt awful about being "right" and decided to hang out with me these past 3 days. Obviously that was a joke, we both enjoyed hanging out with each other nonetheless and that was just an excuse to bond since we barely could, given the amount of hours she spends with Quackity and Karl.

But apparently things aren't going well between them. Not that it bothers me since I get to spend more time with her I guess.


"I'm back you furry,"

"No stop calling me that, I'm not a furry we talked about this,"

"And my name's not Y/N, yeah we haven't finished that conversation yet. Anyways, just leave the call if you decide to stream or do whatever. Don't mind me, I'll just be asleep here," I heard shuffling coming from her end, assuming she was getting into bed. "Alright, I hope you have nightmares instead of sweet dreams,"

"..Fuck you," It took her a while to realise what I say, which made me chuckle. Honestly, it's good that she's getting some sleep now. From what she told me she's been having trouble sleeping because of whatever the fuck Quackity and Karl did. Something about them arguing or whatnot.

Deciding to mute myself, I started working on coding something in Minecraft so that me and Y/N could record it together later.

After almost 3 hours of coding, I've decided to stretch a little as I've been sitting in the same position ever since Y/N decided to sleep call. Speaking of which, I decided to check Discord and realised she was still sleeping, suddenly aware of her soft snores which I could hear every few minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly sure what it is about her that never gets boring.

I heard shuffling come from her end before hearing a yawn. She was awake. Deciding to unmute myself, a grin made it's way to my face, "Goodmorning sleeping beauty. Had a good sleep?"

There was more shuffling before a mumbled reply came through, "Yeah.. I had the most awesome dream,"

"Oh yeah? What was it about?" There was a short pause before she replied, "It's more like what wasn't in it. You."

. . .

"..I'm leaving the call,"

"Love you too, Fundy. Anyways, I just had a dream about hanging out with friends. Nothing really unusual, but I guess it just made me happy," Deciding to mess with her a bit more I replied, "So I'm not your friend?"

She hummed as if she were debating about it before answering, "You're more like a furry friend to me. I've also decided that starting now I'll categorise my friends."

"Ha ha. Real funny," I smiled while shaking my head, earning a laugh from her. I decided to continue coding, waiting for her to continue the conversation, yet she didn't say anything afterwards.

"Hey, you good? You just kinda.. stopped talking there."

"..Yeah. Sorry, I'm just thinking," I heard her let out a shaky exhale and immediately knew something was wrong. Stopping everything I was doing, I replied, "The fuck? You crying over not getting enough primes these past few days?"

This earned a laugh from her, "Shut up you idiot. I was just thinking about the dream I had and well.." She hesitated. "Yeah?"

"I.. was just afraid that one day everyone might leave me. I know it's a ridiculous thought but like the argument between Karl and Quackity right now and not to mention I also feel like Dream is keeping his distance more-" She started panicking.

"Hey, hey. Shh. Take a minute to breathe and calm down first. Relax, don't overthink it." It seems that my words got through to her as I could hear her soft breaths through the call.

Deciding to continue on, I decided to chose my next words carefully, "What happened between Karl and Quackity shouldn't have anything to do with your relationship with them. Whatever happens between them, stays between them and they have no right to drag you into it because I know how childish they can get,"

"Yeah but that-"

"And about Dream, I don't know he probably needs some space or something to think. We all do. Or maybe he's just respecting your space, but you could go talk to him about it if you want." I paused and waited for her reaction but nothing came, so I continued, "And if you're worried about people leaving or whatever the fuck- don't. Just enjoy the moment, friends come and go. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll stay with you to the end I guess,"

I earned another laughter from her, "Oh please. If anything you should be grateful I'm putting up with you," her words made me laugh.

Calming down a bit, there was a small silence before she asked, "You.. you're actually gonna stay with me till the end right?"

Holding myself back from the perfect opportunity of teasing her, I replied, "Of course. We'll always be Discord call buddies and I'll always be here for you till the very end,"

"You promise?"

"Yup, I promise."

She said a soft thank you before going back to her usual self. Throwing playful insults at each other while I code and she edits a new video, I enjoyed every single second of it.

Maybe one day she'll consider looking at me as someone more than just someone to call with on Discord. But for now, I was completely satisfied with being able to stick by her side.

Alright with just being there for her to talk to and spend time with.

-1286 words

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