Please Read Before Proceeding.

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(This doesn't go out to everybody, just some specific people, so please don't take any offence. I'm just trying to tell people what to expect before reading)

I've had a lot of comments on people being dissatisfied with the contents of the stories.

Mostly about how the y/n was written or how this story isn't about poly.

Please for fucks sake read the description before you read, it gives a headache as to how some people come in just to complain then vote as a way to cover up their previous comment. What do you expect me to do? The story is completed. It's like you want me to rewrite it based on how you want it to go.

So if you really want poly relationships, or to make the Y/N act as much as you, which btw, i mentioned in the literal first chapter that the Y/N is MY CHARACTER, not you. I just offered for you to enter your name in, plus I wrote this thinking no one would complain about how the Y/N isn't anything like them. LIKE I'M SUPPOSED TO KEEP TABS ON YOU AND WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU LIKE AND EVERY SINGLE DETAIL??

So just leave if you're gonna whine and cry on a fanfic that I made a year ago during one of the most darkest times of my lives.

Just go write your own fanfiction then if you're not satisfied with this one. Go write your own poly relationships or your relationships with Dream/Niki/Minx/Fundy.

Because this fanfiction was not made to satisfy you, or anyone here. It was made for me to cope with my emotions. It was made for me to improve my writing and enjoy hearing that other people like my writing too.

I've never made it my intention to offend anyone or to even reach anyone's expectations with this fanfiction.

Enjoy the first chapter, also this doesn't go out to everyone. Since there have been a lot of nicer comments here and there, plus people that support me a lot. This is just a warning to those who decide to skip details before reading something they're not entirely familiar with.

Have a great day!
- Kat

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