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"Yeah, sure Dream. Don't worry, like I said before, you three are my favourites, I would never DREAM of leaving you guys," I said which caused them to groan at the pun I made,

"What? It was a good pun! You guys just don't know comedy, hmph," I said causing Sapnap to laugh at me,

"Did you just go 'hmph'?" George asked and to which I replied with,

"Oh fuck off Gogy," causing everyone to laugh,

These guys are honestly the best people to be around.


We spent the rest of the day just fooling around and answering questions from chat, mostly also laughing at how dumb some of our answers were which distracted Dream, causing him to redo his speedruns by a ton.

Most of the questions were directed towards me though, I loved the spotlight and all, but with people constantly asking you about more details behind you're personal 'love life', yikes.

Hopefully they'll all just forget about it tomorrow since a new Lunch Club video is coming out, I thought before drifting off to sleep, peacefully.

Boy was I wrong.

TIME SKIP TO THE NEXT DAY, brought to you by Quackity struggling to not cuss.

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating like crazy on my bedside table, I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes whilst grabbing phone and checking it.

9 missed calls from Green Bastard

7 missed calls from FNAF Chica

2 missed calls from Karl Wheezer

5 missed calls from gReG

4 missed calls from hEy MaMas

10+ messages from 'Dream Team Crackheads' groupchat

5 messages from Green Bastard

3 messages from Karl Wheezer

8 messages from FNAF Chica

10+ messages from 'Lunch Club Nom' groupchat

Wow, I sure am popular first thing in the morning. I decided to call Clay since I was too lazy to read his messages, he picked up almost immediately,

"Y/N! You're awake finally!" he yelled causing me to hold my phone away from my ear,

"Yeah, Jesus, what's got you're panties in a twist?" I asked stretching a bit,

"Right, you just woke up, I forgot. Go check youtube and check out the newest Lunch Club vid," he said and I stood up groaning,

"Can't I do that-" "No, it's better if you know before you call anyone else," he cut me off,

"Sheesh, fine. By the way, how'd you know I'd call you first before anyone else?" I asked whilst bringing my phone along with me to my desk where my PC was at.

"We've known each other for so long, eveyrthing that happens to you, you come running to me first," I scoffed at this as I booted up my PC,

"Yeah, right, name one time, besides right now," I said and he accepted my challenge by replying with,

"Alright, remember that one time you were at a party with white shorts and then you had you're period? Or the time when you're ex-" I cut him off, not wanting to recall anymore embarrassing stories,

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