Chapter 12

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Today's the first day back to school. I haven't talked to Derek since a couple days ago. We've been doing pretty good, we've gone on a few more dates these past few weeks. I haven't talked to Vallyk since- well two weeks ago at the creek. I really didn't do much talking then either.

I get out of my bed and do my hygiene. Then I go downstairs and Aunt Kiki's already made breakfast.

K: morning

Y: Morning

K: how'd you sleep?

Y: good

K: excited for school?

Y: not really but I don't have a choice do I

K: nope! It's almost time eat quick then leave

I quickly eat my eggs and bacon then gulp down my oj. I grab my keys then head to my car. I text Derek to see what he's doing. He says he's already at school. On my way to school I see Vallyk's house come into view. I stop at his house a little then continue driving. I'm still thinking about what happened a couple weeks ago. I wish I could apologize but he probably never wants to speak to me again.

I arrive at school. I really didn't miss it much. Matter fact I was dreading coming back here. Especially since I'm going to have to see Vallyk and DEVYN a lot more. As I'm at my locker everything goes dark as hands creep over my eyes

???: Guess who

"Guess who"  Vallyk used to do this all the time. I turn around and it's Derek. Of course. I give him a lil peck on the lips. We talk a little bit then head to class separately since we don't have class together. I walk into first period and Vallyk is sitting near my sit. Fuck! I didn't know he had this class

I walk by to my seat trying not to make eye contact with him. The whole class I couldn't even pay attention. All I could think about was how close he was to me. The bell finally rings and I rush out of class.

It's finally lunchtime. I walk into the cafeteria and the sound of loud chatting and banging tables erupt throughout the room. I receive a text from Derek saying he's sitting with Vallyk and that he would make it up to me. I totally forgot they're still friends. He probably didn't want to tell me in person cuz he knew what my response would be. I just find an empty table to sit at. I'm just now realizing how little friends I had besides Vallyk. I'm really starting to miss hanging out with him. I get so lost in thought i don't realize the lunch bell rung and was almost late for my next class.

~ ~ ~

First day of school done. Derek comes up behind me and puts his arm over my shoulder.

D: where have you been the whole day?

Y: where have I been? Your the one who ditched me at lunch

D: I said I'd make it up and to be fair I've know Vallyk way longer. I wouldn't even have met you if  it weren't for him.

Y: did he.. say anything about me.. at lunch

D: no not really. Why?

Y: nothing. Just wondering

We ride home together as usual. Me and Derek walk in to find Aunt Kiki in the kitchen. She makes a face at us. She still has problems with us being together. Probably cuz she wanted me to end up with Vallyk. Tbh everyone in my family did, especially Aunt Kiki and my mom.

We go upstairs, cuddle on my bed and watch some tv. I must have fallen asleep during the movie cuz I open my eyes and it's Dark out. And Derek is no longer on the bed. He left a note saying he had to leave and some sweet things.

I smile so hard, Vallyk now buried deep I to my mind. I turn off my lights and  go to sleep thinking about me and Derek and what we'll look like in the future
I feel like this chapter sucks but I just wanted to get something out today to here ya go.

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