Chapter 9

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I wake up to the next morning feeling bad for what I said. I know I was rude but I just couldn't hide my feelings anymore, because if kept it bottled in for too long I would 'explode' and nobody wants that. I don't feel like talking to Vallyk right now so I decide to call Derek and apologize. He picks up

Y: hey


Y: Im really sorry for what I did yesterday, I shouldn't have shouted and I was rude to you and-

D: Y/n! It's ok I'm not mad

Y: yea but I ruined a perfectly good date

D: so it was a date..?

Y: yes, yes it was.

We both go silent for a couple seconds because I'm blushing and he probably is on the other end.

D: We could make it up tonight! I've always wanted to go to one of those drive in movie things.

Y: oh ok cool what time?

D: uhh 8?

Y: it's a date!

We talk for a little bit longer before we hang up. I'm really starting to like Derek, he has such a genuine personality. I get butterflies by just hearing his voice through a screen. Am I falling in love?

K: hey y/n that boy is here again!

I rush downstairs but before I get to the door Kiki pulls me back by my sleeve

Y: what

She stares at me with a "are you kidding me face"

K: I've seen this boy twice now and I still don't know his name

Y: oh.. Derek

I try to walk away but she pulls me back again

Y: Kiki he's waiting

She walks to the door and says "give us a minute pls" then slams the door in his face. There's Aunt Kiki for you

K: There! I want to know why he's here and how you know him

Y: I know him from Vallyk, theyre friends.

K: so your with his friend now.

Y: well not necessar-

K: y/n you seem like a hoe rn

Y: Wdym!?

K: you go from a boy to their friend

Y: what!?! Vallyk isn't even into me like that

K: yes he is, I've seen you two together since you were young.

Y: well your wrong cuz he has a girlfriend! Can I go now

K: y/n look.. I know your hurt but don't use this poor boy as a backup for Vallyk

Y: what?? That's not how this is! Can I pls go now

K: fine but don't come running back to me when things don't work out

Y: whatever

I storm out of the house. Why would she say that about me she's supposed to be on my side.

Y: hey Derek.. did you happen to hear any of that

D: no I didn't, should I have?

Y: uhh no its nothing important, ready to go?

He holds his hand out and I grab it.

We arrive to the place where the movie is taking place. It's playing one of those 90s romances( you can pick which one)

Y: we don't have to watch it if you don't want to, I know this isn't really your type of movie

D: well if you like it I like it

I smile and feel myself blush a bit

Y: ok then

We watch the movie and a couple minutes in I feel eyes on me. I look over and see Derek quickly look away. I just decide to ignore.

~ ~ ~
We've been watching for the movie for a little while now and I don't know why I'm so nervous. A kissing scene comes on and I look over at Derek, he's already looking at me. We just stare at each other for a couple seconds and then it happens. Derek leans in... I look down at his lips and they look softer than ever. I lean in and our lips meet. As soon as our lips touch butterflies sprout throughout my whole body. The kiss lasts a couple seconds. We smile at eachother  cuddle then continue watching the movie.

                                          ~ ~ ~
The movie has ended and we're at my porch.

D: tonight was really nice. Hope to do it again soon.

Y: yea me too

We stare at eachother for a couple seconds and I decide to break the silence by kissing him on the cheek and walking inside.

I hop onto my bed and look up at the ceiling thinking about the night I just had.

K: hey.. why you smiling

Y: oh um nothing

K: how was tonight?

Y: it was good

I smile just thinking about it

K: I'm glad your happy. But remember what I said earlier

I roll my eyes

Y: please get out of my room

She puts her hands up and walks out.

A/n: Do y'all think what Aunt Kiki said is true? 👀

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