Chapter 22

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For the next couple of minutes I glance toward his table and I can feel him doing the same. As I glance over for like the 50th time we lock eyes. I quickly look down blushing, I sneak a peak and see him smiling. Wait- what am I doing I just got out of a relationship I can't be doing this. I grab my things and hurry out of the diner. I look back and see that boy making a confused face. He was really cute though 😩

I get home and find Kiki with her computer, textbooks, and reading glasses on. She's want to go back to school and finish her medical school. Her dream was always to be a doctor, she took a gap year so now it's time to get back to work. Hopefully she'll still be able to make breakfast cuz ooo! (lol let me stop) I greet on my way upstairs to my room. I collapse on to my desk chair and start doing my homework. But I quickly get bored of it. Then a thought pops into my head. I pull my phone out of my pocket then go to social media. I type if Dereks username. I just want to see what he's up to. Apparently he hasn't posted since a couple weeks.when the incident happened. He can't be upset because I'm the one that got cheated on. I type out of his account then search up Vallyk's. Why not. To my surprise I see a bunch of pictures and videos of Devyn. I had no idea they were still together. Must be serious.

I slam my phone face down on my bed. That was a horrible idea. Now I'm in a bad mood.

*time skip*
It's dark out now, I've gotten my homework done. Kiki calls me down for dinner. I rush downstairs to see what she's cooked for the evening. Kiki likes to cook in themes. Today is Italian. Pasta, meatballs, garlic bread. It smelled delicious and tasted even better.

Soon after we both finish I food then get back to doing our own thing. Kiki goes back to studying I go up to my room. Since I'm done with homework I can't just watch tv. Usually I would FaceTime Derek around this time. I can't believe he did that to me, he seemed like he really cared, or he just had me fooled. Ok- enough let my get my mind off the negative thing and move on.

I grab my remote to turn on the tv. I curl into a ball on my bed and watch a couple movies. I end of falling asleep during one of the movies.

I know this because when I wake up the next morning the tv is still on. I shut it off then check my phone. I curse under my phone because I only have ten minutes to get ready. Which means I won't be able to eat breaksfast. Dammit! When I don't eat breakfast my whole mood is messed up and I'm just a short-tempered hangry mess. I take a quick shaker put in some jeans, a shirt, and white air maxes. I rush by Kiki in my way out and shout goodbye to her.

Luckily I make it to school on time. Once I gather my things at my own locker I go to Kobe and Mike's locker. I wait for a couple more minutes and neither of them show up. That's weird. I guess I'll just walk to class on my own.

First period went by slower then ever since I didn't even eat breakfast. Vallyk was there but I haven't paid much attention to him in a while. Deep down I still miss him though. But it's too late for that.

I go to my locker to get my stuff for my next class. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I expect to see Mike, or Kobe, maybe both. But to my surprise I see the boy from the diner.

Y: oh hi.

B: hey. I'm new to the school and I've been lost for the past 10 minutes haha. But I found a familiar face so.. yea

Y: oh um let me see your schedule

I look at his schedule, he has second and 7th period with me.

Y: so your next class is english in room 208. I have that class too so we can walk together.

As we walk to together my mind is all over the place. What are the odds that the new mysterious boy that I did not want to associate with shows up at my school. AND better yet we have some classes together.

As we walk to in to the classroom we are scolded by our teacher for being late. T= Teacher

T: hey! You two are late

Y: sorry mrs Williams I was just helping the new kid out he was lost.

T: oh your the new kid! Come up here and introduce yourself to the classroom please.

As he's introducing himself I head to my seat. I don't pay attention to what he says, I just look down at my lap. Like I said when I don't eat breakfast I'm a mess. I only thing that slips through my consciousness is the words

T: you can go sit next to y/n since she was kind enough to help you out. But don't get distracted you two.

What! The world must be against me because how unlucky can I be- I fake smile as he approaches the desk.

???: Must be meant to be

Y: yea..


Y: hey I just realized I don't even know your name

???: oh my name is Kenny. Nice to meet you.

He holds out his hand for me to shake. I shake it. And I feel something. A feeling all too familiar. Well, here we go again.

OMG I totally forgot Vallyks little brothers name is Kenny💀 I did not get it from him it just sounded like a nice name in my head. Plus I've already prewritten a bunch of chapters and I'm too lady to go in and change it so just like a nice name in my head

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