Chapter 5

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The next day Vallyk invites me out again. I assume that that the boys, and Derek, will be there so I decide not to go.

I go downstairs and grab something to eat. Kiki's already at work so I don't really have anyone to talk to. I decide to watch Netflix to pass time.

As I'm lounging around the house I receive a text message... It's an unknown number.

Who is this?
                                                                        It's Derek
How did you get my number?

                                                          Don't worry about it
Ok? What do you want

                                  You never answered my question

I probably gave the obvious answer away by not answering him but I physically couldn't respond. He texts me a few more times but I don't read them.

I wake up to a loud knock at the door, guess I fell asleep. I open the door to reveal Vallyk.

Y: oh hey

V: what was that

Y: Wdym

V: you bailed today

Y: no i didn't...

V: yea. You did it at the party and you did again

Y: no i didnt!

V: Im your best friend ok I can tell when your lying

Y: ...

V: whatever you don't have to tell me now but promise me you will eventually

I nod. Me and Vallyk just cuddle and go on our phone for a little bit. Then we make some tiktoks on his account. I see a bunch of ship comments which make me feel like I'm on top of the world. I see Vallyk respond to one of the comments saying "never that" and that feeling quickly fades. It's so hard to be around him cuz I know he'll never like me back 😩

It's the next day and Vallyk says he's hanging out with the boys. I decide not to bother him and go to the diner. I walk in and see DEREK. I quickly turn around to exit, but just my luck, he spots me and follows me outside

D: hey! Y/n!

Y: oh hey

D: Your avoiding me

Y: no Im not

D: is it cuz of the text he says with a mocking smirk in his face

Y: shutup i roll my eyes what are you doing here anyways

D: I'm getting food for the boys

Y: well your new to town why didn't Vallyk just get it

D: Vallyk? He's not with us

Y: what do you mean, he said he was with you.

D: he said he was with you!

Y: Thats weird

We both try to call him and he doesn't answer to either.

D: I wonder where he is

Y: yea me too.

D: well it was nice seeing you here I'm gonna bring the food to Mike and Kobe. I'll try to keep in touch with Vallyk. You can come if you want

Y: no Im fine I'll see you later

I'm kinda worried about Vallyk so I go to check at his house, through the window as usual. I reach the window the and what I see crushes my heart to pieces.
To be continued...😏

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