Chapter 8

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Since I can't have Vallyk I'm not going to waste time and let Derek slip out of my grasp too. He's on his way to pick me up, he should be here in couple minutes. I hear a knock at the door. he's here.

I run to downstairs to get the door but as I worried Kiki is at the door talking to Derek!

Y: Hey Derek! Kiki we're good to go!


I quickly push Derek outside and shut the door.

D: What was that?

Y: I dont want anyone to see us together

D: so your ashamed of me...

Y: No... I just dont want anyone to know yet. If were going to do this we need to take it slow

D: I understand.

When we get to his car he open the door for me, so he's a gentleman too. He said we were going to dinner but turns on a street that leads out of town.

Y: Where are you going

D: Its this really cool place that Vallyk showed me

I think I know where we're going...

We arrive and my prediction is confirmed, its the creek. All the memories of me and Vallyk come rushing back.

D: Its beautiful isnt it

Y: Yea but Ive actually already been here with-

D: Vallyk! Hey!

I turn around to see Vallyk and DEVYN behind him. This was supposed to be our spot.

V: oh hey...what are you doing here?

Y: I could say the same thing

I say this in a stern voice so he knows Im angry. Im done hiding my feelings.

V: Maybe we should go...

Seeing him grab Devyn's hand makes me more mad.

Y: No you should stay since this is your guys special spot, right Vallyk?

V: Do you need to talk?

Y: No actually, Im done here.

D: Y/n-

Y: Can you just take me home? please?

D: um ok

The whole car ride was silent until we arrived to my house and just said bye. I know I overreacted but I was just so angry. I just couldnt let him get away with taking his girlfriend, matter of fact DEVYN to OUR spot. I cant be a part of his life when hes with Devyn, I just cant. This could be the end of my most cherished friendship...

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed .💕


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