Chapter 13

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I wake to my alarm. Ugh another day at school. Why does school have to be back, I do not have the mental state for this. After laying in bed feeling bad for myself, I finally get up and get ready.

I get downstairs and Kiki isn't there, probably at work. I make my own breakfast and head to school. Basically do the same thing as yesterday meet with Derek for a little then head to class. I see Vallyk again in first period. I have to sit next to him again. The tension between us unbearable. I know he feels the same way, probably saying the same things in his head. A few minutes into class as we're working I can't help myself and take a quick glance at Vallyk. Our eyes meet, shit! He saw me! I scowl at myself for getting caught.

The bell for next period finally rings and once I again I dart out of the class.

While I'm at my locker getting ready for my next class I get a tap on the shoulder.

Y: hey Der-... Vallyk

He's smiling at me, I can tell it's partially fake.

V: hey.. you left this in class

It's my notebook, I left so quick I must have forgotten it.

Y:oh.. thanks

As I grab it from our hands brisk against each other. Our skin touching causes me to blush. He can't see me blushing I have to get away.

Y: well thanks I gtg bye

I quickly walk away from my locker

V: Bella wait!

I stop

V: Can we talk ? Please?

Y: I don't think that's a great idea.. especially since we have class-

V: yea I mean later just- please

I could see the desperation in his eyes. I nod. Then I walk to class without another word.

At my next class and all the rest after that, all I can think about is what Vallyk said. What does he want to talk about? This thought clouds my head even at lunch; Derek decided to sit with me today and realizes.

D: what you thinking about?

Y: huh? Oh nothing just a project I have coming up

D: oh ok

Hopefully he bought that. The rest of the conversations at lunch were kind of awkward cuz all I could think about was Vallyk.

It's the last bell of the day leaves and everyone is running to their lockers to get packed up and leave for the buses. Derek comes to my locker as usual.

Y: hey uhh I think I'm gonna go home by myself today

D: oh... why

Y: i just have some stuff to take care of. We could meet up later though

D: um ok cya I guess

I feel bad for lying at him. I don't know why but I can bring myself to tell him that I'm gonna be meeting up with Vallyk and I want to be alone. He'd probably take it the wrong way.

I'm in my room doing homework when I get Interruped by a knock at my window. I walk over to my window and there's Vallyk. He looks serious and kind of nervous. I open up my window to let him in.

Y: it's been a while since you've come in that way huh

V: yea I guess.

The room goes quiet for a couple seconds

Y: so what did you want to talk about?

V: uhh..

I watch him waiting for him to respond. He looks really nervous.

V: i really hope that we can work things out cuz I just, I miss you- I miss us.

Y: Vallyk... I-

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