To the nether we go

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Bad dusted his hands off, "Perfect!" Skeppy came running back to bad. "I got food-" He panted. "Good job skeppy!" He smiled and patted skeppy's head. Skeppy looked away and murmured "It was nothing,," "Oh come on skeppy that helped a lot!" Bad grinned. "Now let me show you a tour of the house." Bad took his hand and lead skeppy to the kitchen, "So what i did is used chiseled stone for the floor, and then the walls are wood ofc." "And theres also 2 chests with trap doors on the side to act as a fridge." Bad grinned. "And then some cabinets by using barrels." Skeppy wondered how he got the materials for all of this, "How did you get all the stuff for the items here? Not to mention the lanterns!" "Well first i got 2x the stuff i would need, and then used the extra stuff we got from mining!" Bad lead skeppy to the living room,, "So what i did for the couches is a got wool and placed it in a certain way so it looks like a couch." Bad laughed, "I was going to use stairs but that was too uncomfortable be a couch." Skeppy smiled at bad's hard work. "Oooh but you need to see the up stairs!" Bad showed him, "So heres just the mini hallway to both our rooms- and here's your room-" Skeppy walked into a sea of blue. "Oh my god- i love it so much!! How did you know my favorite color was blue??" Skeppy giggled. "It's not very hard to tell skeppy, for once when you found the diamond you told be how colorful and amazing it was-" Skeppy sighed, "Your just all that aren't you bad-" Skeppy walked over to bad and squished his cheeks, "Nooo skeppy stop it!!-" Bad pushed him away. Skeppy fake cried "W-why would you do that-" Bad sighed, "Don't make that face you muffin head." Skeppy wondered why he said 'muffin' instead of something else. He just shrugged it off. He look another look at his room, he had a blue king bed and a 'bed frame' made of trap doors. He also had some chests at the side of his room next to his blue carpet and lanterns. "Bad can i see your room??" Bad shuffled his feet, "Uhhmm ok.." Bad trailed behind skeppy. "Bad!" Skeppy giggled. "Your such a e-boy aren't you~!!" He laughed, "All black and red room huh~??" Skeppy held his chest. Bad pulled the strings of his hoodie until his face could no longer be seen. Skeppy walked over to bad "Im just kidding, bad your to wholesome to be an e-boy!" Bad grumbled. "Your such a raggamuffin." Skeppy rolled his eyes and opened Bad's hoodie, He could see bad was blushing. There eyes met, Skeppy looked away instantly. "So bad- we should really go to the nether soon." Skeppy mubbled, "Already?! We've only been here for like 3 days!" "Yes bad and if you want to make sure that dream, george, karl, and sapnap get to do their turn to make sure we get out of this place, and so we can escape, we have to do this fast-" Bad looked at the ground. "Ok..."


Bad and skeppy crafted items



"Bow and arrows?"




"Sorry check."


"They don't work in the nether."

"Bring one anyways." "I guess... extra obsidian if we get lost?"




"Ok we can head there now!"


Skeppy had gone mining becuase bad said "Im not going to be doing dangerous things with lava and water skeppy- thats dangerous." "You said dangerous twice." "Its still dangerous!"


Skeppy and bad went outside, bad's longish hair got caught up in his mouth skeppy laughed and let out a small "eww" Bad just ignored him, which skeppy took offense to. Skeppy pouted.  Skeppy watched from afar as bad made the portal apparently it was to 'dangerous' for him. Bad completed the portal and signaled that Skeppy can come near now. Skeppy looked into the portal. "Umm ladies first!" Skeppy winked. "I am not a lady- you are!" Skeppy gasped. "I am not!" Bad rolled his eyes. "Fine shorties first." Skeppy slapped bad. "Call me that again i dare you." Bad just sighed and looked into the portal. "Pleasee can you go first skeppy?" Bad asked using a high pitched voice. Skeppy looked at bad. "Fine only becuase your so cute-" "Im no-" "BYEEE~!!" Skeppy sang as he jumped through the portal. "Ha- idiot." Skeppy smiled. He didn't mean it in a mean way of corse, more of a playful way. He peaked his head back into the grassy relm. "Hey bad it's safe- but hot." Skeppy said. "Oh. Ok." Bad said as he jumped into the portal, landing on top of skeppy. "Ow bad! Get off my stomach!" Skeppy yelled. Bad got off of Skeppy. "Whatever you muffin- it's not my fault!"

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