☘︎︎ 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜? ☘︎︎

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There was a loud thump on the ground, Dream rushed over to look at the 2 people in front of him, one had a fire icon on his shirt with a black turtle neck underneath the white shirt, this is the shirt that had the fire icon. The other boy who laid at the side had a colorful sweater with purple cyan and green, and very brown hair, almost cartoony. George went to poke one of them on the check, "Don't do that George, I'm pretty sure they got hurt badly so we shouldn't wake them up." George nodded In agreement. "Well what do we do for now?" George asked. "We can explore, you haven't and I can show you some stuff I saw." Dream said, "sure I guess." George walked over to dream, "So there's like, 5 doors and- there's this thrown thing." Dream pointed out. "Oh. That's cool." George said, looking at something else. "What are you looking at?" Dream asked. "Nothing." George replied. "What?" George looked at Dream, "It's nothing George." Dream rolled his eyes "ok SORRY that I zoned out." George spat. "Oh sorry." Dream said. "I thought you noticed something hat I didn't." George sighed. "It's fine Dream." George looked at the room they were in. "You think we could go through the doors?" George asked almost touching a door. "I don't think you shoul-" Dream began- he heard a scream from behind him. "DREAM-" he saw as George got thrown back from the door. "That was unnecessary George." The smaller boy rolled his eyes "whatever dream, people make mistakes." "Yeah and you just rolled your eyes when I did, don't be a hypocrite." Dream smirked. "Whatever, your so annoying." George shot back. "Oh come on now-"
Sapnap started to speak, "Why are you fighting?- also where are we, and who are you?" Sapnap asked blankly. "Um..." George began. "We don't know ether, do you remember anything?" Dream asked. "Um no, and it hurt to think about." Sapnap looked to the side of him to a boy with dark wings, "wait-" he began he felt his own wings, "I HAVE WINGS?" He gasped. "And there so big!!" He laughed. The two other boys just looked at him examining his wings. "Wait- can you fly?" George asked. "Um, maybe." Sapnap said. He began to move his wings up in the air, he pushed them upward, "OUCH- no I can't-" he said. "Well, that's not useful. It would have been helpful." Dream said. They both looked at him, "What- woke up on the fall?" Sapnap snickered. Dream rolled his eyes. Sapnap looked to his side, the colorful boy was still asleep, for some reason he felt the urge to wake him up and talk to him. "Have any food? I'm really hungry." George asked. "Oh! I have some it's not much but I have this candy bar." Sapnap handed to George. George ate the candy bar,
"Here, dream I want you to try and carry me up to the sides of this room so I can see what's outside." Sapnap said. "Sure, if you see anything tell us." Sapnap nodded, Dream sat down on his knees white Sapnap started sitting on his shoulders, "ok head to a wall so I can balance to stand on your shoulders." Dream nodded. "DONT NODDED YOUR HEAD IM GOING TO FALL!" Sapnap screeched. Dream wheezed "Calm down-" Sapnap wiped the sweat off his face and reached for the curved wood, biting his lip in anticipation, waiting to feel the right spot to move his leg, he found a spot and let out a sigh of relief, "What the fuck," he cursed under his breath. He felt like something was missing when he said a cuss, he ignored it and moved on to climb on to the next thing, he felt the wooden thorns on his hands, he just reached to the large window, he thrown himself on it, "HOLY SHIT!" Sapnap yelled as he felt the air knocked out of him, "Sorry guys! I didn't get hurt I just threw myself to hard." Sapnap snickered. Although it wasn't very funny, we still felt joy in seeing his new friends laugh. He peaked out the window, his face filled with disappointment. "This is FUCKING STUPID!" He yelled. "What? What happened?" Dream yelled. "It's just white! Nothing at all just light!!" Sapnap pouted. "Now I have to go all the way down again!" Sapnap said climbing down, his hands were trembling, his placed his hands, but he lost his grip and fell, he started falling, he immediately covered himself in his wings, "HELPP!" Sapnap yelled, "Sapnap your going to be o-" There was a large crash then another scream, "I think I disclosed a fucking bone!" Sapnap cried. George rushed to his side, "What hurts?" George asked, "Well what did I scream? My fucking arm!" The hurt boy said on the ground glaring at George. "Calm down, dream grab we a table cloth and a long skinny thing you can find." Dream nodded an went off one his search, "George my arms hurts!" Sapnap clinged onto George, Sapnap seemed to be in a lot of pain so George hugged him back, he didn't like the boy very much, he had a very... different personality. Dream came back with the cloth and a clay stick, "I broke it off a statue." Dream said. George nodded in agreement, having no time to waste on a crying Sapnap, the hurt expression on him looked like he's never had something like this happen to him, George gently put the stick on his arm and wrapped it in table cloth. "Sapnap it's going to hurt so I want you to try and sleep." George began. Sapnap winced. "Fine but if he wakes up tell me." Pointing at Karl with his good arm. Dream and George looked at each other. Sharing a look that they both knew, it wasn't that they had any memory of it, but the feeling that they remembered. Sapnap rolled his eyes and laid down to go to sleep.

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