𓃗𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚐𝚘𝚍𓃗

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I'm sorry I haven't posted, I got logged out trying to cancel my subscription because it drained to much money
Pick a schedule for me please :)
5 days a week, shorter chapters may 700-800words
3 days a week longer chapters 800-1000 words
On weekends, 1000-2000 words!
1 day a week, 2000-4000 words (may be a little hard but still very good!)
Anyways, time for the story!

Sapnap woke up to a Russell beside him, he had no idea how much time it had been since is arrival. He estimated around 16-20 hours, he glanced over I worried boy sat beside him, he gasped. "Oh your awake!" The smaller boy nodded. "Um my name is Karl what's yours?" He said glancing to Sapnap. Sapnap grinned. "Oh my name is Sapnap!"
Karl looked around, then spotted the 2 other males in the room. "And them?" He asked. "Oh, the one with goggles is named georgenotfound, you can call him George or gogy" Sapnap smiled. "What happened to your arm." He tilted his head to get a better look at it. Sapnap blushed at this movement. "Well it's a long story.." Sapnap began. "I love story's, could you tell me?" He asked. Sapnap nodded. "So to make it short, Because I don't want to take up too much time, do I climbed up there-" Sapnap pointed. "And then I felt my feet fall, I tried to use my wings to cover my landing, I did but I still broke my arm, or got it badly injured." Sapnap said. "Oh." Karl said. "I would've done the same to be honest with you." He laughed. They both kept chatting about whatever came to mind then Karl wondered; "Hey, who do you think is running this place? I don't think a build like this could be naturally made." Sapnap questioned it. "Huh. I guess so." They both tried to open the rooms, again but failed. "Fuck!" Sapnap yelled. "What? What happened?" "Nothing I just stupidly hurt my arm." Karl rolled his eyes. "Then try not to make me scared?" "What, were you worried?" "You wish."
Dream and George got up to go talk to Sapnap and Karl. "So what are we gunna do for now?" George asked. "Well first we are going to need food, we have none other than candy bars and that's not Heathy." Dream began. "Also we're going to need to be able to sleep, because eventually we are going to get restless and tired and that's not good." "I agree." Said George. Both Sapnap and Karl nodded at once. They started talking for a while. They heard a thump on the ground. A groan came from 2 people behind the 4. They all turned around to see a boy with a blue hoodie and jeans. Another was a boy with a long-sleeve shirt on with a neckless on, it was a sliver one with timely details, it looked like those cheap ones that you could buy from the dollar store. Them both looked at the group of 4 in-front of them. They looked around then began to speak, "Um hi." The blue boy began to the group. "What's going on?" He asked. "Yeah I was wondering that too." The long sleeved boy said. Dream asked "Well what are your names?" "Skeppy. Or zak, just call me skepppy." Skeppy said. "I'm Darryl! But just call me bad." Sapnap smirked "You two have cool nicknames. I'm Sapnap." He offered hands to them both. Using his good arm of corse. Suddenly they heard something behind them. Somebody had appeared on the throne, "Finally you all have arrived!" The mysterious man stretched. "Ah come in you 3." A man with a bucket hat with stripes of white and green and a green-type outfit started to walk to the thrown to stand beside him. Another boy with a red-and-white shirt, and grey-ish green eyes standed next to him. Aswell as a boy with overalls and blond hair. "What is this, a cult?" Dream glared. Techno cackled "No, no." He glared. His eyes were red, blood red. He had a crown on and a kings suit. "Now please clay, shut your mouth before I do." He smiled. Dream stared in terror. How did he know my name? How powerful is he? What's anything got to do with us? "Anyways... you might be wondering 'why am I here?' I'll explain." He smirked. "Just for fun. To see if humans are smart, not with your kind of 'intelligent' the real 'smart' in our world, no math, no silly 'school'." They all looked confused. "Some of you would get it if you had your memories." Tommy giggled, tubbo joined in. "Yeah imagine losing your memories," Tubbo laughed. Techno glared at both of them. They both shut up and covered their mouths. "Ok well I guess I'll tell you about it." Philza said. "So we will be testing everybody's skill to survive in all differnt worlds, while you try to re-gain your memories with the photos you took." He smirked. They all had terror in there eyes as they heard these words. Tommy and tubbo started laughing again at their pain. "You guys are all so fuckin dumb." Bad yelled. "LANGUAGE!!" The boy rolled his eyes "Whatever Darryl, remember who is stronger right now?" Bad looked at the ground. "Exactly." Skeppy's face turned red from anger. He didn't do anything back to Tommy Because he knew that he was right, he is stronger than him right now.

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