Travel back home.

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Bad POV:

"Skeppy can I have the compass? We need it to go home." I smiled. "Sure," He looked in his inventory. 

"Mmm.." He mumbled. "Uh.. my inventory's full- can you help me find it?" He questioned. I nodded my head. I sat down next to him in the grass, slightly poking at my skin. 

I leaned over to see him hot bar, I scanned the inventory quickly, then i noticed something, "Here it is!" Pointing at the space where the compass was. It had been 3 days since they last saw there home, according to his prediction. 

"Ok skeppy follow me." They had been walking for 3 days straight with only small breaks, so they were both tired. "I know coming." Skeppy trailed behind me. 

"How far away do you think it is?" He asked. "Mmm around 10,000 blocks, so 31 miles i guess.." He stood wide eyed at me. "No. We are not doing this. We are finding a horse." He said. "I know you want one, if we find one- we will." I knew it was a long walk. Not to mention how much we have been walking. Our feet were sore as hell, and i knew i had at least 3 blisters on my feet.

We kept walking and chatting about random things, "You know, what do you think we were back then?" He asks me, randomly. "I don't know.. teammates? Friends? Best friends?" I ask. "I-i guess." He says. I saw pink on his face. "Do you think we were- i don't know something else..?" He says ever so carefully. "What- enemies? No." I frowned. I knew what he men't but i don't want to make our friendship awkward. "That's not what i- ok." He pauses then just agrees with me. 


"I can't wait to get in bed." He yawns. "Yeah me too." I agree. I notice a brow figure and a neighh-ing sound. "Is that a?" We both look at each other. "Horse?!" Me and him run in the direction of the sound. We find a donkey making horse sounds. "What kind of mix-breed is this?!" Skeppy pouted. "This is what we have skeppy, get on." I say, climbing up the donkey. "I think we might brake its back-" He began. "It's fine you muffin head." I smiled. 

We got back on track. "How many more miles??" He wined. "Uhh 28." I estimated. He groaned. "This is going to tack forever-" He said putting his body weight on my back. "You can sleep, if you want." I smiled. "Wait really??" He grinned. "Yeah but your going to end up hungry in the morning." I giggled. "Shush and let me rest." He says and closed his eyes. 

"Hug me while you sleep so you don't fall off." I said. He looked up at me. "Are you hitting on me?" He smirked. "I- Wha?!" "Noo!" I said, grinding my teeth together. "Ok ok!!" He laughed.

 "I thought you were going to sleep?" I asked. "I'm sleep talking- obviously." I rolled my eyes. "Your such a muffin-head. Now really. Go to sleep." He closed his eyes for the 2nd time, and 5 minutes later he drifted to sleep.

I looked at my compass. And forward. We are just entered a snow biome. I hoped skeppy wouldn't wake up by the sudden change in our surroundings. Unfortunately he did wake up. "Are we there yet? Im getting cold.." He yawns, opening his eyes. "Oh. thats why." He saw the snowy surroundings. Even though both of us were wearing hoodies, it didn't make us any less cold. "Can i have a torch?" He asks. "The snow will put it out, and I don't want you to light our ride on fire- or me." I say. "Ur dumb." He says bluntly. "Im not dumb!"







"Not for that reason- look in front of us." Skeppy giggled. "Oh." I saw a forest biome opening.


14 hours later:

"How much more?" He asked. "We're here." I say him perking up from leaning back-to-back on me. He got off and ran to our house. "OH MY GOD I MISSED THIS PLACE!!" He rushed into his bedroom slammed the door and what i assume happened, fell. "OWW!" He yelled. I was about to rush into the house while i was tying up the donkey when he added something. "IM OKAY!!" I laughed.

I finish tying the donkey up and head inside. I cook something for me and skeppy, becuase i bet his hunger is low. Just as i thought that he ran down to me "Can i have food?" I nodded and handed him the steak and a water bottle. I took mine as well and ate my food. 

"Im going to bed now," I smiled. "Ok byeeee~!" He said.

I head up to my bed and got under the covers- glad i was home safe.

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