☀︎︎ 𝚂𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚗𝚊𝚙 ☀︎︎

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3rd person POV:
Sapnap held on to the camera looking at its details, it was yellow with orange details and a photo of a meadow of sunflowers

He read the note saying things like take photos of you and your loved ones, "Hey Sapnap?" Karl began, "Wanna take a picture together?" He smiled

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He read the note saying things like take photos of you and your loved ones, "Hey Sapnap?" Karl began, "Wanna take a picture together?" He smiled. "Sure do you know how it works?" Sapnap asked. Karl nodded. "It's kind of hard because we can't see ourselves but I can stretch out my wing to hold it in place." Sapnap nodded in agreement. "Three! Two! One!" Then the camera flashed, Karl and Sapnap both laughed as they took their pictures together. "Here Karl let me shake it-" Sapnap took the photo out of Karl's hands, "Woah dude this is epic- normally this stuff wouldn't work!" Karl nodded. "Soo Sapnap- wanna go sky diving? We haven't done that in a while, and it's a good use of our energy." Karl asked. "Oh sure! We can stop at cloud level ok?" Sapnap spoke. Karl nodded. They both flew down to the atmosphere, they started beating their wings faster so they would get the air to circulate around their wings, "ok Sapnap let's go in 3, 2, 1," Karl began to fly but then stopped in mid air so Sapnap would be tumbling down alone. "HAH SAPPY I TRICKED YOU-" Karl yelled as Sapnap fell. Sapnap quickly flew up to karl, he frowned "Whatever I BET your just petty that I can fly faster." Karl rolled his eyes, "You wish." "Well let's just fly around and give our blessings for the day, because I don't wanna play this anymore." Sapnap nodded, they went around in North Carolina to find sick blind and deaf children you bless with safety and cure. Karl loved helping and caring for everyone of their children, even if they had caused some sins, because everybody, even the bad, deserve love. After they were done with their job, Sapnap asked, "Hey, uh wanna dance up in the meteor shower in California, Lake Tahoe?" Karl's face flushed, "Sure I don't really care," He said. They started flying, it takes just 7 hours to get there, so it would be around midnight.
"Ok we're here." Sapnap said. Karl nodded. He put his head on Sapnap shoulder, and Sapnap held Karl's waist to start dancing. They both started to do a slow dance together, the meteor shower started to rain around them, it was very magical because it only happed every year, they would always go to dance. "I really like dancing with you, you know?" Sapnap whispered in Karl's ear. Karl's face started to sweat as he giggled nervously. "Me too." Karl said. Sapnaps face turned rosy. Both of them were rosy, and a nervous wreck. Karl looked down. "Your so pretty karl." Sapnap continued. "Really? Or are you just talking?" The smaller boy said. "Can we stay like this? I'm tired," "Anything for you." Sapnap said, he covered the smaller boy with his wings. He felt his chest get heavy. "Wait- did you fall asleep Karl?" The taller boy asked. No response. Sapnap chuckled he collected some cloud and created a bed. "Have sweet dreams." He set Karl on the bed and slept in his own wings. They were large so they were enough to sleep on, almost 2x his size.
Karl woke up and immediately panicked about what happened the other day. He shot up from his bed to see Sapnap under him sleeping with just his wings together like his own bed, he laughed, Karl thought to himself wow I'm so obsessed with this beauty, he slapped himself to ignore that thought. He smiled to himself. He felt the urge to take a selfie of himself and sleeping Sapnap. "Cheese!" He whisper yelled. He giggled. He flew away to go take more pictures. Ones of earth, ones of him, and ones of clouds. He smiled. Sapnap woke up and head to earth to go to the beach. He was invisible to any human being so he could just hangout where ever. He flew fast near the water just for fun because he knew it would soon get polluted, He was flying for around an hour to see Karl sitting on a side of a beach holding his camera taking pictures of this and that. The shorter boy flew over to him "Hey look want to take a picture of us on the beach?" He asked. "Also, just finished my blessing for today, have you?"
He asked while setting up the camera with a cloud. "Um no I haven't." The taller boy began. "Well do them- it your responsibility- I want them done after this photo in 4 hours!" The shorter boy spat. "Ok I finished setting it up!" Sapnap rolled his eyes "Mood swing." The first shot the both looked grumpy. "Can you stop being so whiny? Just smile." The next photo it ended up nice they were both smiling and the lighting was very nice. "Wait come look-" they both huddled in as they started to look at all the photos, the ones from before and from after. "Wait why is the letter glowing?-" they both noticed the letter was glowing a yellow color as it shone onto both their faced. They felt a void of darkness eroupt from underneath the ground, they both let out curling scream as they tried to fly above the hole that formed the ground, "SAPNAP HELP!" "KARL!" They both clutched on to each other trying to escape, but with no avail tentacles stretched from the ground to snap onto Sapnap and Karl. Moments later there vison turned fussy, then they heard static, then nothing, and it was just black. Something cold and hard pressed against their back.

Word count: 1017

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