Free the end

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Bad got up from his bed, upset about the events that occurred. "Fu- frick." He stammered, "This is so goddamn unfair." He had just realized how much this affected him. He couldn't live without him. No matter what even when he lost his memory.. his love for skeppy was undying.

So, he decided.

If he doesn't love me, I might as well go kill the dragon myself.

Meanwhile skeppy was shaking in his room.

Why did I do that
Why didn't I say yes
Why did I run away
This is all my fault
Why did I do this
I should have said my feelings back
I love him, I just- it would have distracted our goal from beating the dragon.

Skeppy hugged himself tightly, as if, it was only a nightmare.
It wasn't.
This was real life. In the moment.
And he had to do whatever it took to get bad back.

Bad had other plans.

Bad rushed to the strong hold, sweat beating from his forehead. I can do this. I can beat it.
All that mattered was slicing his sword into the mighty beast.


He had made it. He had gotten to the strong hold. Eyes of ender in hand, ready to fight.

He placed them in, one by one, each making a sound echoing through the dungeon for all mobs to hear.
Speaking of mobs,
'What was that?!"
He looked down and realized his mistake. He hadn't broken the spawner.
Ignoring it, he left into the portal with a boom.
His head shined like no other before.
Had he not revised he was getting teleported, he would have thought that he was stuck in space.

Finally as he stepped in he saw it. The endless void along with the great beast.

He started bringing when he felt something hit him,
He almost fell off but luckily caught himself,
It was a small irony creature with spikes coming out of it.
"Oh my god!"
He winced
Then he grabbed his sword and stuck it in its flesh.
Felling no remorse for the creature he continued briging.
Considering he was afraid of heights, this took him a lot longer than he wanted it too.

Bad took out his pickaxe and started to mine a safety shelter, just in case something happened.

He looked down at his arms,
He calmed himself
What are 5 things you can see?
End stone, obsidian, void, my armor, my pickaxe.

What are 4 thinks u can feel?
I feel my heavy armor, my sword, my bow, and endstone.

What are 3 thinks you hear?
The dragon, my breaths, and endermen.

What are 2 things you can taste?
My sweat, and sweat.

I slowly put on my pumpkin hat, to avoid enderman.

What is your goal?
To fucking kill this bastard.

agenerline flushed through his vain's,
He shot out of his hiding spot, pulled out hit bow at shot it.
Shot straight through the crystal.

He shot another.

Got it.

Again and again untill they were all completed.
Sweat dripped from his forhead, once the dragon lands,

It's over.

He waited 10 seconds before the dragon hit him with his poison
20 hearts
15 hearts
12 hearts
He shoved his only golden apple down his throat.


He stabed she dragon.

I have to go

He used all his strength.
The dragon took 25% Heath away.

Bad struggled with he gaining his balance.
The dragon left the spot in the middle.

He had almost face planted into the bedrock, that would have given him a very bad injury.

He waited a while, waiting for the ender dragon to pass by.

As soon as it came, he hit it.

He stabed it, it's pink blood pouring out of its body.
He gaged at the sight of that much blood but continued.
He had to kill it,
For him
The thought of skeppy dying was the worst thought to him.

Slashes across the beast made a terrifying shriek

The beast was down to 50% Heath.

Bads head was pounding

Author's note:
Yeah I didn't upload for a while, yeah I left u guys on a cliff hanger, deal with it. (Jk nah fr I love you all <3, free cookies by following me btw.)

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