What a lovely beginning

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Techno sighed, "Dream, pick a number 1-10." Dream "Uh 1." Techno cackled, "Ok then everybody gets 1 life," Everybody but George glared at him, Dream glanced away. "Haha, little green man's pissing his pants again!!" Tommy laughed. "Yeah and whats up with you DREAM!" Philza glared at the too and shook his head, techno sighed. "Phill, go get me some wine." He looked at dream and the others. "Ok so I'm giving you memories of your own world now, not about how your friendship was becuase i like to see you suffer. also it's funny." Tommy laughed. "Yeah your pain is only for our enjoyment!!" "My, enjoyment." Techno glared at Tommy. Techno sighed. "Now bad skeppy, you have the same universe- yes yes i know shocker." "Make your way to the door," Techno pointed, Bad and Skeppy held hands. And walked threw the door. Skeppy unlocked the door. This time, unlike the others, it had opened."Skeppy and bad glanced at the world around them, Skeppy stared blankly trying to process what just happened,"Uhm, Skeppy right?" Bad scratched his neck. "Yeah, thats right." bad paused. "Well look at these photos i have, its us..." Skeppy came close to bad, the contact made bad look away, Skeppy looked at the pictures.. seems like we were mining. He blushed as a memory just came flooding back to him,


"Bad! We need more diamonds!" "We're never going to have full netherite if we don't go!"

"Skeppy! But i already have you, and you're worth a million billion trillion diamonds!!"

"I don't care bad! I get your all cute and shit but we have to go!" "WATCH YOUR MOUTH SKEPPY!" "What? No 'language' Bad?" Skeppy rolled his eyes "THIS IS WHY IM DIVORCING YOU!!" "WHAT? BECUASE I DID'NT SAY LANGUAGE THIS TIME?" "NO BAD YOUR SO DUMB- IT'S FOR NOT GOING MINING!!" "YOU SHOULD'VE SAID THAT THEN SKEPPY!" Muffled screaming


Bad laughed, "Oh my god," he whispered and put his hand over his mouth. "What did you say?" "Nothing" Skeppy rolled his eyes and kept looking threw photos, he looked at one with him holing up a-- poppy?" He looked at it. He tried so hard to think of something but no memory of it came. He guessed that he gave bad a poppy. wait, were they dating? Do i like him? Does he like me? He thought. He scratched his head, his hair thin and soft. "Umm bad?" Bad glanced at him. "I was just wondering if we should make a house now, from my memory we need to..." Bad had spaced out. "Oh! Yes! Ok lets build that house!"


"This is not what i thought you mean't by 'house' skeppy." Skeppy rolled his eyes, "Whatever better get cosy unless you want to re-make a house at night with zombies and skeletons." "Your lucky I don't hit girls." Bad pouted. "IM NOT A GIR-" "Yeah well, you sure act like one 'Skeppy'." Skeppy, annoyed said. "Fine just get in the dirt fucking house, get in the fucking bed, and FUCKING SLEEP."  He went inside, placed a torch and then climbed in his white bed. "Next time make my bed blue bad." "OH IM SORRYYY THAT I DID'NT HAVE BLUE DYE!" "MY EARS!" "Sorry skeppy-" Bad climbed in bed. Skeppy sighed and turned around. "Love you skeppy!" "Wow mood swing." "I-IN A FRIENDS WAY YOU MUFFIN-" "Yeah yeah bad love you to night," They both had their beds next to each other, basically a queen bed. 


Skeppy woke up in sweats, he had just had the worst nightmare about a skinny looking man with a crown and a pig head for a face, it may sound silly, but it was scary for him. "Bad- bad BAD!" "What skeppy?" Bad said in a raspy voice, Skeppy's checks turned red and he stuttered, "U-Um i had a nightmare... could we cuddle? ITS OK IF WE DON'T THOUGH- I MEAN I JUST MET YOU- well not really so sorry if it makes you uncomfy-" Bad giggled, "Sure muffin come here." Skeppy put his had to bad's chest, It's so warm his face flushed from heat, and for another reason.  


Skeppy woke up to a smell of cooked rabbits chest. "Ew whats that smell? It smells like a fish who took drugs, overdose, then gave birth and this is what popped out." "SKEPPY ITS JUST RABBIT!" "More like rabies, couldn't you have cooked fish?" "Noo!Every fish has a life." "So do rabbits." "Do you want to go hungry?" "You wouldn't do that, you love love love me!" "I do not!! Your saying false facts!!" "D-do you hate me?" Skeppy fake cried. "JUST LOVE ME BAD!! LOVEEE ME!!" "NO!" "YES!" "FINE I LOVE YOU AS A FRIEND!" "Ha." Bad glanced at him kicking his feet. "So what we need to do is get iron, coal, upgrade our house or make a new once, get food go to the nether, go to the end, beat the ender dragon, then we are done with Technoblades challenge!" "And get our memories, don't die, and then go back to that hell hole." "Language skeppy!"

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