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Skeppy POV:

"Get up bad," He says bluntly. He groans "Ugh what skeppy?" "It's time to beat the end." He flashed up. "Wait. It's time?" "Yeah."

"Oh." He says. "Aren't you happy?" I ask frowning. "O-of corse!" He stutters. Why isn't he happy? He should be. "Ok. Well get ready." I leave his room, Still concerned.

Bad POV: 

I have to tell him. We might not make it out alive if i don't, i'm scared though. I hold back tears, choking on my breath. I have to handle this properly. If i don't do well when i'm fighting the dragon.. it's going to be the end of the road for us.

Tears still drooling out of me, i get up and grab my sword. I noticed my hand was shaking, I tried to calm myself down. It's going to be ok, your ok. Just do this and you can be happy- it's going to be hard but i can do it. I wipe my tears and inhale. "Just give it your all."

"Skeppy?" I ask. "What?" He says. "Aren't you scared..?" I scratch my neck. He smiled sadly. "Yes.. but i know if anything goes wrong i'll be able to protect myself." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll be there for you too."

I he chokes on his breath. "I-i'm.." I pull him into my arms. "It's ok." I say reassuringly. "I-im scared." He whimpered, his voice breaking. "I didn't mean to get us here!" He pulls at my hoodie. "I didn't! I didn't!" He cry's. His whole body shaking at this point. "It's not your fault." He looks up at me. "Oh it is!" He cry's. "If i hadn't picked up that stupid camera we wouldn't be here!" I stare wide eyed at him.

"Y-you remember everything?" I stare. "Yes! I just got a memory when you left to change- don't you understand?! It's my fault- all mine!" He screams. "It's not!" I counter. "It is!" "All i do is RUIN things for us!" "I'm surprised you don't hate me!" He sobs.

"What am i do you huh?!" He yells.

"WHAT AM I TO YOU?!" He scream and pulls away from the hug.

"I don't-"


I pull him close to me. I cupped his face in one hand, he went silent. I put my other hand around the back of his neck. I pushed him close to me, now our faces inches apart. He put his hands on my chest. I leaned in to kiss him.

His soft pink lips touched mine. I felt a spark shooting up inside me, the longing i've waited for this moment. The wait for his lips to touch mine, finally has been fulfilled. I pull away.

"Does that answer your question?"


"I need some time to think bad." He frowned, his face still puffy.

I nodded, and went to the lake.


I made a bench for myself i was sitting alone. 


I saw a purple portal pop up- exactly like a nether portal but quartz instead of obsidian. Two teenaged boys appeared.

"There he is!"

Wait... there they boys who i saw in the beginning.

"What a loser." Tubbo whispered.

"I can hear you." I frowned.

3rd person POV:

"Why did you do that dickhead?" Tommy asked, coming closer.

"Do what?" Bad asked.

"You know what he means." Tubbo said.

"Oh. That?" He said.

"What were you thinking?! Saying oh kissing him will help with his FUCKING PANIK ATTACK?!" Tubbo yelled. "Agreed." Tommy frowned. "I didn't.. I thought it could help." He whimpered. "NO!! How could fuckin- kissing help?" Tommy glared. "Yeah what he said!" Tubbo glared.

"I don't know! It was in the heat of the moment?!" He yelled.

"Ugh you sound like our brothah." "Yeah he would always make excuses like that-" Tubbo agreed. "Who's your brother?" He asked. "They were a fella named ran boo." "What happend to him?" Bad asked.

"So basically he got captured by endermen or something." Tubbo said. 

"You don't care?"

"nope." Tommy and tubbo said at the same time.




"Aww fuck." Tubbo said.

Bad was amazed by the brothers. "Why does the pigman do this to us?" He asked.

"We don't know." Tommy said. "Yeah he just wanted to do something fun before he gets de-thrown next year." Tubbo added. "Why is he getting de-thrown?" Bad asked. 

"Aren't you nosy?" "Just tell me."

Tubbo sighed. "SOO basically this dick head made like 3 different worlds. Or more i forgot- and he wasn't supposed to do that, thats why 2 of you guys were in different worlds." He said. "And like his punishment from the gods were de-thrownment from king." Tommy continued. "And why did green piss baby and gay blue bitch get thrown in here, you may ask?" 

"It's becuase he wanted to see if humans could survive." 

"Also your gunna need to finish this quest thing soon." Tubbo added. "Everybody else is waiting."

"THAT DOEST MEAN EVERY BODY COMPLETED IT THOUGH- don't get any ideas dickheads!" Tommy said. 

"Oh tubbo it's time."

They both faded away, the portal also disappearing.

"BBBBYYyyee.." They yelled.

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