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Dream and George woke up to hard floor, "Ow my head!-" George looked up at a tall blonde man with dull green eyes and strong freckles on his face, so perfectly placed almost seemed fake, he was also wearing a green hoodie and some grey jeans that matched perfectly with the rest of his outfit, "What?" Dream asked, he was staring down the man infront, once he saw that he showed sign of fright, he thought better of himself to scare another person. "What?" He asked. The boy infront the of him cried "what's happening? My head keeps spinning" Tears flooding down his eyes as a quick rate. "I can't- I can't feel any of my limbs." Dream rushed over to the boys side. He held him in his arms "Close your eyes." Dream said. The smaller boy slightly nodded. Dream felt the body of the smaller boy grow heavy against his chest. Dream questioned Did he pass out? He saw that the boy had. He took in his surroundings, they were in a long hallway, at the corner of the hall, there were many doors, all made out of wood carefully carved.

 He took in his surroundings, they were in a long hallway, at the corner of the hall, there were many doors, all made out of wood carefully carved

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He sat the small boy at a pillar to rest as he explored the rest of the unknown hall. He looked at everything there could be, trying to find things that could help him in anyway to gather more information. He laid down in the middle of the rug and placed his hand over his forehead, lost in his thoughts, he couldn't remember anything from before he was here, the more he tried the more his head hurt, the pain got so bad he tried thinking of something else, but he couldn't so he thought it might be a better idea to try and sleep.
He woke up on his side, "Fuck my back hurts-" He got up and stretched. He felt a lump in his pockets that he hadn't noticed before, he took it out and looked at it, it was old and had a very vintage style to it, but looked very easy and simple to take photos with.

There were also some printed photos inside the camera it was pictures of him and the boy

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There were also some printed photos inside the camera it was pictures of him and the boy... one of them going star gazing, they looked very happy. It made him happy that he had a past and that he wasn't just some fucking robot-thing. Maybe I did know this boy before He smiled. He looked at the many other photos like of stars and the beach and some of them cooking, ok so obviously I have some sort of relationship with that boy. He wished he could wake the boy up to ask him about anything. He started to get up and to walk over to him, he sat next to him to wake for him to awake, because when somebody gets knocked out from something bad- it's only logical to wait for them to wake up by themselves.
George had woken up, Dream noticed this "Are you ok? Do you need anything? Well we don't have much we're basically trapped but I can provide company-" He smiled. "No it's fine it's fine-" George giggled nervously. "Ok... well what's your name?" Dream asked. "Well my name is George!" He smiled. "Mine is Dream, well that's my nickname- my real name is kinda wired." He laughed. "Wow Dream?- I think you might be a bit full of yourself to make that your nickname." George giggled. "What- no that's not the reason- I thought it was cool- PLEASE GOGY-" He laughed. "Wait- that's my nickname how did you know that?-" He asked. "Oh. Um I don't know." He laughed. George laughed along. "Wow that's good that you know my nickname-" The smaller boy grind. "Wait I have something to show you." Dream said. "Oh I'm sure! What is it?" He showed George the camera. "Wow that's- how do we even work that?" George asked. "Well- all you do to start it working is this button. You see because this is kind of older- but it works." George nodded taking in this new knowledge. "Ok soooo want to take a picture of us now?" The shorter boy asked. "Uh it seems like bad news... I don't think we should George." Dream stated. "Ok..." George wined. They sat together talking about some interesting things, what their favorite animal was or their favorite color.
"AHHHH-" They heard as a man with a banana on him. And a boy with multi colored outfit yelled.

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