✞𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚢 ✞

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"Karl~" Sapnap complains, "I'm so sick of watching these kids fucking fight" He said looking down at earth below them, humans we're at war again.

 Sapnap looked down at earth closely and saw that many continents have turned brown because of the mass fires. "They aren't perfect, but they are trying sappy" Karl defended. 

Sapnap looked up at Karl and grinned, "You know what I like about you Karl?" Karl turned his head to face Sapnap, his hair blowing in the wind as he stared at Karl with knowing green eyes, just like any other day. "It's that- even when humans are having world war 3, your still being so positive." He said.

 Karl's heart thumped, "Thanks Sappy, but I don't think that I should be too positive at a time like this." He almost stuttered through his words- he really enjoyed being with sapnap even if he sometimes is being annoying,

 he remembered about 140 years ago him and Sapnap were trying to go down to earth but then realized they were already dead, it was pretty dumb of them. 


"Soo karl-" Sapnap began. "Do you ever think like- there are other people out there other than people on earth and us?" He asked. 

"I never thought of it- we are at eternal happiness and peace right now so I don't think there could be any other people out there." Karl began,

 "If they were other people, wouldn't they be granted to be on earth or to be with us?" He questioned. "I guess" Sapnap sighed. "It's just it gets kinda lonely you know?" Karl frowned. 

"Hey! But I'm here!" "You know what I mean Karl-" Sapnap said. Karl pouted, "Sapnap I'm heading to go eat can you just- I don't know, study the humans more?" Sapnap nodded and left, his wings sore threw the air,

I wish I knew what he was thinking about... 


wait- what is that?

 I flew up to the sky with my powerful wings to guide me. A camera was just falling through the clouds, I caught it in my hands as I examine the falling object, it was a camera one of those if you take a picture it would print out for you. It looked like a normal camera, almost nothing falls from the sky so i think I should show Karl- 

but maybe tomorrow because I wouldn't want to disturb him.

I flew down to the early brown and orange clouds, for some reason they are always my favorite type of cloud so full of light and warmth. 

It felt so safe and happy in those clouds. 

I sighed, annoyed at Sapnap- I hated the feeling I got around him, it made me feel so uncomfortable. The turning in my stomach when I'm near him is overwhelming. 

I wish that would just go away so I can just be peaceful and calm. 


My eyes felt heavy as I lay down into my bed of clouds.
I looked around it's my old room.. how am I here? I looked around there was a big miror I looked closer I saw 2 other people- ever so faintly laughing. One sounds like a kettle, I laugh to myself. 


Suddenly I hear screaming one so high it could shatter glass, i put my hands on my ears to try and block out the noise. I hear white noise all around me laughing and others screaming In pain, some even spoke a language I couldn't understand.

I woke up and gasped for air my eyes shot open and red form crying, I stand up from where I was sitting and quickly wiped my tear stained face. My flying was jerky because of my nightmare yesterday, my wings were shaking.

 I flew to Sapnap holding something- it looked like a camera?

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