Blaze powder.

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Bad and skeppy had felt a shadow creep on their heads, skeppy had gotten frightened at the thought it was another ghast, soon the fear turned to joy as they both saw the fortress, "OH MY GOD!! IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW SKEPPY!!"

Bad faced skeppy with pure joy on his face and jumped into his arms. "Woah easy there bad we still have a long ways to go-" Skeppy grinned. "Oh shush you always ruin the moment~" Bad wined. There eyes interlocked. Skeppy froze Was he going to kiss him? 

Bad smiled and booped skeppy's nose and turned away. "Are you coming??" He smiled. "Of corse of corse i am!!" Skeppy said running up to bad.


Skeppy panted sweat dripping off his for-head. Wishing the fire-resistance would have an effect on his body liquids. He smiled as bad unloaded the food for bad and him. "You know, you don't need to stare." Bad said his face flushed.

"O-oh sorry-!!" He said, turning away. Covering his face with his hands.

Bad thought its fine your so cute.. he just felt uncomfortable to be stared at. "Ok well if your done eating bad we can head going to fight those blaze rods!" Skeppy grinned. "Sure." He smiled.


Cling clang the sword met with fiery doom. "fuck.." Skeppy murmured. He waited for bad to say something- but he didn't bad smiled and said. "Theres a place and time your able to curse, your fine i'll allow this one." Skeppy was token aback how bad had said that.

Just as skeppy zoned out, a fireball was heading over to him. shit. He was to late and got thrown back. "ITS FINE BAD!!" Skeppy yelled, informing bad to keep fighting the blazes. 

He got back up. This was going to be hard knowing the fact we have been here for 30 minutes and only got 4 blaze rods all together.

He went back in throwing my sword at everything and anything that comes near me. Skeppy heard blades of crashing, over, and over, and over, again. He had only hit 3 of them. They were closing in on skeppy faster- he kept falling over and getting knock-back "BADD!! HELP ME!!"

Skeppy heard loud food steps coming from behind him. "COMING SKEPPY!!" He yelled. 

He got in front of Skeppy. He sliced the blazes perfectly. "Wha- HOW?!" Skeppy spoke. "You crited them out, i just had to finish the job." He smiled. 

"Oh." Skeppy said, getting up. "Heh heh." Bad giggled. "How many did you get?" He asked. "Oh i got.. mmm.." Bad looked into his hot bar. "..4 from that!!" 

Skeppy gets a memory.

"14 14 14!!"





"SHUT UP YOUR ruin.."

The sound faded.


Skeppy sighed. Another memory. 

"mm.. bad i'm getting kind of tired and worn out.." Skeppy leaned against the wall "Yeah you rest, your such a muffin- don't wear yourself out." Bad helped him down. "Ok i'm going to go get the last of the blaze rods.

Bad ran into the spawner, "gah!!" He said. His sword clashed against the fire ball. He swung it over and over again. 


"Die!!" Bad yelled at the blazes. Yes the last one!! He smiled and went back to skeppy. He crafted blaze powder and got the e-perls. 

He placed a crafting table next to skeppy and got to work.

Done!! Bad thought. He had now earned 12 ender eyes. He got skeppy up from where he was sitting. "We have to go now." Skeppy looked tired and drowsy. "Carry me please??" Bad giggled and let him on, he placed his portal and lit it. 


Author has been dealing with issues, and now coming back for uploads!! ^^

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