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Badboyhalo and skeppy have been needing to get food, with all the food collected already, they decide to go fishing.

Skeppy POV:

"Come on bad, don't you want to get there soon?" I said jumping with energy. "I do but i'm so tired from last night- after all i was the one driving the horse." Bad said.

 "It's not driving- it's directing." I teased. "Same thing, stupid." He mutters. "What did you say to me?" I stopped walking, put my hands on my hips and faced him. "O-oh,, uh nothing!!" He giggled nervously. 

I turned back around and kept walking, we needed to go to the lake, which was 5 minutes away. "Mhm. sure." I hummed. Bad grumbled something, I couldn't hear anyways so I ignored it.

I looked behind me, bad was really far behind me. "BADD- hurry up!!" I yelled. "You just walk fast!!" He frowned, jogging up to me. 

"This should be easy for you- your legs are longer." I added. He just sighed.

"How many blocks are in 5 minutes bad?" I asked. "Mmm at the pace we're going it's about 300." He predicted. "Make that 300 blocks in 2 minutes." I prattled.

"No skeppy!!-" Bad groaned. "But i wanna! And if i keep standing around i'm not going to beat the time!"I demanded. "Ok bye!!~" I ran, fast. "COME BACK HERE!!" He growled. "HAHA NEVER NOOB!!" I yelled. 

I started to see the oak forest and the lake, "COME BACK HERE!!" Bad cursed. "NO!!" I smiled. 

I ran faster, hearing Bad's shouts from behind me, "WATCH OUT!" He yelled, I had been looking at him, not what was in front of me.



"OWWW!" I wailed. Bad came running over, "What the muffin Skeppy?" He criticized. 

Skeppy rubbed his face. "Sorry, I didn't mean too." I trembled. "It's fine," He said. "Do you need a hug?" 


 Bad brought me into a warm embrace, I leaned my head against his shoulder. His face turned a shade of pink.

He got something out from his inventory, "Here drink this." It was a pink liquid, I recognized it immediately. 

"Where did you get this from?" I asked.

"Last night i went to find loot." He said.


"Now drink it you stupid muffin head."

I nodded and pressed my lips against the bottle and drank it, for some reason Bad's face turned red. 

"Thanks bad." I smile.

"Lets go," He stammered.

Bad gave me a hand, and pulled me up. I grinned and kept walking.


"WERE HERE!!" I smiled. "The walk was only 5 minutes skeppy." He frowned. "Yeah yeah it felt long."

I looked at the the lake:

Me and bad went to the edge of the lake, we both sat down,

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Me and bad went to the edge of the lake, we both sat down,

"Did you bring the fishing rods?" I ask. "Mhm here you go!!" He smiles.

I took the fishing rod out of his hand and fiddled with it,

I finally got it to work and i threw it into the lake, waiting for it to pull. 


I feel a tug on my fishing rod, "YES YES IM GETTING ONE!" I grin. "Thats great!!" Bad goes behind me and tugs on the fishing rod, "Pull harder!!" I say. "Im trying skeppy!!" He pulls harder. 


The rod broke, i feel backwards onto his stomach. "Ow!!" we both yell out, bad pushes me up and sighs "I hate fish!!" I say. Bad gasped "Thats to rude! Apologize to the fish right now!!" I rolled my eyes, "..sorry fish." I groan,"That was so stupid."

"No it's not!!" Bad said. "Your just an insensitive ragga-muffin!!" 


23 salmon

34 cod

12 pufferfish.

"Wow we have tons of food!" Bad smiled. "Uh its nearly half a stack." I say. "I'm just trying to be optimistic!!" He frowns. 

"Whatever,, we have another long day tomorrow. Let's head home." Bad says. "I love you," He smiled. "Me too!!" I grinned. We both flushed at the words, even though we had ment it platonically.

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