Loving memories.

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Somebody yelled from a distance.

"W-what?" bad gasped.

His best friend was there with him.

"How?!" He yelled.

"Bad! I'm sorry I ran away i-" He looked around, becuase he didn't have a pumkin head on, an enderman got disturbed.

"WATCH OUT!-" He yelled, "Wha-?" Skeppy winced. Bad grabbed his arm. Protecting him from the enderman. 

The enderman screeched and unhinged it's jaw. It was a terrifying sight. His diamond pants broke, revealing his black jeans. "Oh my god-!"

Flushing pain wrenched onto bad, as the enderman was draining it's heath. Skeppy was only wearing iron armor, clearly unprepared for the end. 

He stabbed the enderman with his iron sword, hoping the enderman would die from his blade. 

The enderman shrieked and puffed into a cloud of smoke then died

"Thank goodness." He puffed. "Why are you here?!" 

"I wanted to tell you I love you!"

Bad stood there, in shock, bleeding and amour falling apart.

"Y-you do?" He whispered.

Skeppy nodded.

Skeppy leaned in putting his hands around Bad's cheeks, "I always will."

They locked lips

Everything went white, loud ringing in their ears.


They got shot down on a hard wooden floor, wearing the clothes they had when they first arrived

thousands of bubbles came around them, showing memories from the past and the future and from different realities in a beautiful display.


Skeppy held one in his hand, and gently kissing it.

The room started to fade, the bubbles shooting them with new and old memories.

There standing was all their friends, 





Waiting for them.

"Took ya long enough!" He grinned. "We missed you both. Tommy & Tubbo told us all about what happened."

"Oh." Bad smiled. 

They all held hands and walked to the original area they were shoved through. Technoblade was gone, had time changed while they were gone?

Philza stood, as the crowned king.

"I am sending you all to earth." He boomed. He reached his hand up to the sky. "You too Tommy & Tubbo."

They suddenly came before them all. They both bowed. "I'm happy to leave, father."

They both disapeard.

The room around them changed, soon they found themselves in dreams house, from before.

"I love you." Bad said.

"Me too." Skeppy replied.

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