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Skeppy and bad looked at the nether, soon overwhelmed by the heat. "Your lucky i brought fire resistance!" Bad smiled. The potions would make the heat not so great, as well as keep the pair safe from the fire.He spotted some quarts, "Skeppy that quarts would be good to put as our kitchen floor."Bad smiled. "Yeah when we get home." Bad started mining. He heard a 'Auu..Ah..hhh.' "Omg bad what is that-" He saw a white creature with red eyes. "AHH GET AWAY NOBODY LIKES YOU!" Skeppy cried. He started shooting the white creature, its mouth opened and shot a fire ball directly at skeppy, bad whooshed by skeppy and cut the ball in half skeppy heard a loud clang from the collision he opened his eyes "Uh, I think we should run now skeppy." "Same." "AUHHHH!" The ran towards the 'Blue forest' as skeppy had told bad. "OH MY GOD-!!" Skeppy huffed. He looked over at bad, his hands were shaking skeppy smiled and held his hand and kissed it. "WHA- SKEPPY-" Bad yelled. "What I healed it," Skeppy giggled. "No you didn't skeppy!" Bad frowned. Even tho bad enjoyed the kiss, he couldn't bring himself to tell skeppy that. "Whatever skeppy." He mumbled. Skeppy sighed and got up. "Ok get up we need to find that fortress." Skeppy took out a hand for bad to take, Skeppy pulled bad up. "Ok let's continue to search for that annoying nether fortress." Bad nodded. They walked for hours then came upon a lava lake with little blob mobs. Bad went up to one and put out a hand to pet it "BAD NO!" Bad turned around to face skeppy. "Its fine skeppy, it can't hurt me." Bad said with a smile. Skeppy paused. "I- don't know bad I don't think you should." Bad rolled his eyes. He continued to reach his hand out. He slowly petted the creature. "Aww look!" The blob nuzzled at bads hand. "Let me try!" Skeppy shoved bad out of the way. "Rude." Bad murmured. Skeppy reached out to touch it. "OW IT BIT ME WHAT THE HECK!" Skeppy held his hand away from the creature. Bad went over to it, and tried to pet it again, the mob wasn't hostile around bad, "That's unfair." Skeppy pouted. "Sorry I guess animals like me better!" Bad grinned. "That's not a animal that's a mob." Skeppy spat. "Same thing." Bad said. The mob nudged its way into the lava. "Woah Skeppy it turned red!" "That's maroon." Skeppy smirked. "Yeah yeah ok smarty pants." The animal was now swimming happily in the lava. "C'mon bad we have to go." Skeppy said with a hint of jealousy. "Fine." Bad got up and got dragged away from the blob. Bad was a bit gloomy for a good 10 minutes until Skeppy said "Bad we couldn't take it anyways we don't have a lead." Bad nodded. They walked in silence for a a very short amount of time "Skeppy potions." Skeppy nodded, "Here," Skeppy handed the fire resistance potion to bad, he drank some of his own as well. Bad had just seconds before had started to swear from the heat, now perfectly fine from the effects of the potion. "Mm Bad when are we going to find it." Skeppy winced. "Soon enough." Bad smiled sheepishly.
They had been walking for over an hour now. Drunken potions 6 times in the hour.
Another memory had been shot into bad.
"Sorry Skeppy, we have to it's nighttime and we don't have a home yet."
"Can't we just build one from dirt?"
"No because we will hear the zombies and your going to freak out like last time."
"I wasn't that bad!"
"Yeah- pshhh you were you started screaming and crying because you were scared." "And that only attracted more mobs! Then they broke down our door and we had to fight like 10 of them while ruining our house!"
"I guess so."
"Baddd- bad- BADD!" Skeppy hooded."GAH!" Bad gasped. "Ugh you scared me oh my gosh-" Skeppy giggled. "By the way, you know when I was getting gold before- uh you know, I got 46 gold ingots!" Skeppy smiled. "Ok! There was some piglens over there- we can go trade with them!" Bad said. Him and skeppy rushed over to them, "here piggy piggy piggy!" Bad said, handing the gold to them. They used almost all their gold but the gave them the last of the gold they had and, 11 ender-perls! "YES! JUST ONE MORE AND WE ARE DONE!!" Skeppy cheered. "Ok now that we have these we have to head to the fortress.

"Wooo! That was so lucky bad!" Skeppy smiled. "I know! I guess we are just so lucky!" Bad smiled.
I shadow appeared on their face, "What is- OMG BAD LOOK!" Skeppy yelled. "YES WE FINALLY FOUND IT!-"

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