"Creeper? Aw man!"

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"BAD BAD BAD BADDDD!" "wHat?" "I JUST GOT FRIGGIN DIAMONDS!" skeppy laughed, echoing through the strip mine. "Wait I'm coming!" Bad yelled. He went over to skeppy, panting. "Holy muffin I hate running." Said bad. "Well look at these diamonds! So cool!" "Can i have some ske-" "No." "Why not? Im going to take all your food if you don't share!" Skeppy thought for a few seconds then smirked. "Bad your prettyy~" Bad stood there shocked. "Wha?-" "PRETTY DUMB TO FALL FOR A TRICK LIKE THAT!" Skeppy ran as fast as he could, knowing that bad wouldn't be able to catch up becuase he already ran all the way to where he was sitting, to another part of the mine. "YOU MUFFIn hea.." He heard as he picked up speed, Bad's yelling was no longer hearable. So, skeppy sat down to rest "Holy shit, he's fast." He panted. He ate the food, wait if i have the food and bad's alone with no coal for torches.. oh shit. He needed to get there before a mob spawns. "BAD BAD!" "SKEPPY HELP ME!!" Bad yelled. sss...s..s.s BOOM "What happened? BAD BAD!!" Skeppy held Bad's hand. "Half a heart skeppy- food now..." He gave bad 3 cooked pork-chop. He started to re-jen. His pale skin changed back into his normal color, and sat up "Oops." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN OOPS YOU ALMOST DIED THAT WOULD'VE BEEN IT THEN I WOULD MOST LIKLEY DIE OUT HERE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?-" Bad shook his head. "Well after i almost died maybe id like my EARS not to be BRAKING?" "Don't start skeppy." skeppy stared at the cobblestone ground. "Sorry bad... I shouldn't have done that it was irresponsible of me to leave you alone with no food." "It's ok skeppy, as long as you learned your lesson- sometimes it's hard to realize the difference between jokes and jokes that could lead you to harmful situations." Bad hugged skeppy. "Ok bad enough with the hug i get it we don't need to make this sappy." Skeppy giggled. "Sorry!" Bad smiled. They got up to head home,


"So 7 diamonds we should get... 1 diamond pick, 2 swords, made of diamond ofc." "Ok well i got the iron we needed bad, wait-" Bad looked over at skeppy, "When we were hugging you stole my diamonds! Bad thats meaan!!" Skeppy pouted. "Oh shut up you muffin head- i knew you would drop it in lava or something." skeppy rolled his eyes. "Just finish crafting." "Ok!" Bad handed skeppy the new sword. "Wowww~~" Skeppy woowed. "Ok so we have... ourself's iron armor!" Skeppy took the things at put them on "I am prince skeppy, come to save the princess!!" He took Bad's hand and kissed it. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Bad hid his face in his palms. "Not funny not funny!" Bad said. "It was for your reaction, which was quite funny to see-" Skeppy laughed. "Oh." Bad said still flustered. "Your face was pretty red-" "Sun." "Its dark outside." "SO?" Skeppy laughed at how easily bad blushed. "Ok- we really need to upgrade our home." "Your right it's really cramped." Bad said. "Ok get in bed-" They both laid next to each-other, both turned away embarrassed about the little room they were forced to be in. Skeppy got up from his bed, his hunger depleting quickly, he started to panic, sweat dripped from his forehead, he looked in his furnace and the chests. He checked his inventory once, twice, three times. He ran over to Badboyhalo and shook him away "Food now." Bad looked up at him "Skeppy not right nowww~" bad wines. "seriously bad! I need the fucking food!" Bad began to say language but he knows this is not the time or place to correct him on that. "Ok take my bread." Skeppy took it and began eating. He got back in bed to start sleeping.

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