Ch. 10 New friends

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"Ow, what the... My freakin' head. Jesus." Grif said as got up. "Wha- what happened?"

He looked around, trying to find clues as to what happened. He looks over to see Simmons tending to Donut.

"He's hurt, Grif. He'll make it, but we need to get him some help fast." Simmons said to him.

"Yeah, yeah hold on one second. What happened here?" Grif started as he began to remember, "W- First Donut's head exploded, and then you fainted, and then some black thing showed up and started-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I did not faint, something knocked me out. Right battle droid 1109?" Simmons said defensively.

"Whatever helps you- wait. Did you just say battle droid?"

"Uh huh." Simmons replied

"Like from Star wars?"

"He's at the front of the base at the moment."

"What?" Grif turned to the front to see a it. The battle droid currently had it back away from them, but he could still see the many shades of red it was colored in. "When did we get a battle droid?"

"Apparently it just showed up out of a portal. Donut told us remember?"

"I just started to tune him out after the part where we got involved."

"That was literally at the beginning of the story!"

Grif shrugs. "Hey what can I say? He knows how to make me disinterested in listening to him."

"Uh, sirs?" The droid said, stepping into the conversation.

"Yes Battle droid 1109 series 1? Is there something you need?"

"Wait, Battle droid 1109 series 1? That's your name?"

"What's wrong with it?" The droid asked.

"It's way to long for me to bother remembering. I'm just going to call you Fritz."

"Why Fritz? It's not like he's a glitchy droid."

"Uh sirs, I'm standing right here." Battle droid 1109 series 1, now named Fritz, said though it went completely ignored.

"Why does it have to relate to that? I have a friend who researches spicy jalapeno to make them spicier."

"I know that some are named Fritz but- wait. Did you just say a researcher how makes peppers spicier? Seriously?"

"Yeah. It should be in the Guinness Book of Universal Records."

"... I don't buy that."

"What's so unbelievable about spice researchers?"

"Spice researchers is not unbelievable, it's that you know someone who's going to go into-"


The two look to BD 1109, now named Fritz.

"Not to be rude, but we still have wounded here." Fritz said as he looked as disapprovingly at the both of them as much as he could portray. He would have to get Sarge to add in some eyebrows to him. Being able to express emotions with your face seems convenient.

"Oh right Grif go check on Sarge, I will stay here with Donut."

"Yeah sure, whatever." He went on his way down the ramp, before leaving saying, "Oh, I'm fine by the way."

"Whatever, no one likes you anyway." Simmons said as Grif left.


Caboose was facing a conundrum.

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