Chapter 9- Shadowing

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Venom was bored. Venom had wandered these caves 'labyrinth more like it' and hadn't found a way out yet. He had tried the computer that he passed by for the 10th time today, but all it would show is some kind of canyon. It must have been some sort of monitoring system because it would be retarded if it was just a TV playing footage from a canyon. He would have less of a problem with it if there was Some F###### way to CHANGE THE CHANNEL!

Venom took a deep breath to calm down. Venom wondered why breathing helped him to relax when he got stressed out. But then he realized that he was probably going insane due to him being lonely.

'First time for everything.' He thought grimly. Then saw something. A red mark on the wall. He rushed forward to see it up close. He was excited! He was finally going to be free from this stupid cave system. Upon closer inspection, it was a arrow pointing two ways. Venom looked to the left and saw the same dual arrow a few feet away. He looked to the right to be greeted by the presence of another being.


When did he get here? Was he so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice anyone else?

"Note to self," The human said to himself, "never think that phrase ever again."

Ok, ouch, he wasn't expecting that kinda of reaction. He knew that it was weird to find a klyntar without host, but he didn't need to be rude.

"Oh, you talk. That's... Interesting." The human said in a worried voice.

Venom realized it was a blunder and tried to think of a way to not escalate things. Maybe introduce himself?

"Greetings human. I am venom." Venom said in a polite voice.

"Venom? Like the comic book villain." It asked.

"Villain?" Venom questioned. Though he was often... aggressive in his fighting style, he never actually hurt anyone that didn't attack him. "What do you mean?"

"Ah, nothing. Nothing at all. Just ignore me as I go back to base." Caboose said nervously.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want a way out of this labyrinth and I'll be on my way." Venom said calmly. Venom really didn't want to be here any longer.

"Uh... How do I know you won't kill me?" They asked.

"Because you haven't tried to attack me yet." Venom replied honestly.

"How does that make me feel better?"

"Ok, that's it. Why are you so afraid of me?" Venom asked. "This is the first time I met a venom a long time. What have I, or my species done to get you so scared?"

"You eat people's brains."

"... Seriously? Because of a certain chemical we feed off of that is found in brains, you think I'm a brain muncher?"

"It's what your known for."

"Listen. If I wanted to, I would attacked you and eaten your brain long before we began introductions. So how about you calm down, and let's talk this out." Venom said in a disarming voice.

"...You haven't talked to anyone in a while now, have you?" The human replied. Venom stares at him.

"... Look. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. So please let me go with you?" Venom asked.

The human seemed to think about it. Venom was also wary of the human, but he also desperate about escaping the caves. Better to put away suspicions than be lost forever.

"Fine." They finally said. "But you have to remain on my shoulders at all times. Understood?"

"If it gets me out of here, sure." Venom said as he climbed up the human.

"Why are you down here anyways?" The human asked as they began walking.

"I'll tell you when we get out of here." Venom replied.

"I'm Caboose." The human said to Venom trying to start a conversation. At least he can call him something other than human.


"Venom, an alien symbiote." Caboose

"Ok. Where are you getting this information? I am apparently out of the loop about what's going on!" Venom said in frustration.

"That depends. Do you know what A.D. and B.C. are?"


Lopez was currently listening to his creator asks questions to him. He figured that he was just keeping himself busy. It's only been two minutes. He was already done with the reprogramming of the droid, he just needed to make sure it didn't fall apart at the first bullet that grazed it.

"Is it done yet Lopez?" Sarge asked for the fifteen time. Lopez really wished that voice box that Sarge ordered got here sooner.

The Lopez turned the bot on. The bot went through the it online process of talking. Sarge asked the necessary questions and ect. Lopez knew it was necessary to do this process but he still found the process tedious. Why must it be a voice process? Couldn't they done this on a computer? He may respect his creator for building him, but that won't stop him from thinking that he's an idiot.

"Lopez." Sarge said, snapping Lopez from his thoughts. "Let's move out."

Lopez nods. They head out to try and capture this enemy. 'What could be so dangerous about this Freelancer?' He thought to himself. Unless it was robot pilot by a smart AI, he felt that he could take them on.

Sarge raised his to a stop sign. He proceeded to use hand signals to say to take another corridor so they could surround them.

Lopez had to lead the droid down the ight corridor and soon they waited for the signal.

"Freeze." Sarge said as Lopez and co. came out of their hiding place. "Drop the gun."

They proceeded as command. They then said what would have been a badass one liner if they hadn't been knocked one in one hit. Lopez may have had some grievances about his creator, but at least he knew how to handle himself in fight.

"Hey battle droid," Sarge said to the newest member, "Go on top and make sure the simmons is ok. If Grif is still alive... I don't know, get him to do somethin' useful for once."

"Roger, (Glitch noise) Roger." It replied as it left.

"I thought you fixed him?" Sarge asked Lopez.

Lopez wave his hand side to side.


Meanwhile, on Reach, Dr. Halsey was looking into something on one of the planets poles.

She was currently working alongside her AI Cortana. When they shortly discovered something terrible.

"God damn it I forgot to buy the limited addition figures." Dr Halsey shouted to herself.

"Doctor Halsey, I believe we found a Vault. I worry vault hunters will come in droves."

"Cortana, when have I ever let out sensitive information that would bite come back to bite us in the butt?"

"Would like the list in alphabetical order, or Chronological order?" Cortana cheekily replied.

Halsey look at her with a deadpan expression. "Seriously? Are you really going to do this right now? Caboose has been wanting those figures ever since he was a kid."

"I already order them online. So let's focus on making sure vault hunters don't start harassing Reach."

Dr. Halsey sighs. One problem at a time. Something she always said to Caboose. Thus they began on working on a way to keep the both a secret and finding the key to the vault. Though the bigger question they had was where did the vault come from.

A/N Hey guys. I just finally got around to finishing this chapter. I have a lot of crossovers plan for this story line. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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