Chapter 7- Preparation

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Chronos was patient.

It always seems to be a requirement when your a god with a dominion over time. They were patient through everything. They were patient when she watched the universe develop and slowly formed life. Though even their patience had a limit.

"Whatcha you doing?" A voice asked.

Chronos turned to see a being they haven't seen in a long time.

It was a man dressed in a deep blue business suit, with blueish green boots. He had blue hair and his eyes looked like the sea.

"None of your business."

"Wait... Are you watching One Piece?" He said trying to look over her shoulder even though he was several feet away. "You do realize that is never going to end right?"

"What do you know!?" Chronos shouted as they turned back to the TV.

"How did you even get it in their? I strictly remember your powers being almost all gone." He said.

"Is there a purpose for you being here?" Chronos asked irritably.

"Besides bugging you? Not really. I just came to see what you've been up to." He said nonchalantly. "Besides, did you really think I didn't notice?"


"I know you want revenge on the gods that trapped you here, but I don't believe humanity should have to suffer for it."

"Like I would waste my energy on them." They remarked.

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure." He said as he turned to leave. "Though I do have to give you a warning."


"The more you change things to free yourself, the more you end up changing yourself." He said as he disappeared. Chronos then sighs.

"That could have been worse. Then again, who could tell with Seadrag."


Sarge was not having a good day.

He originally wanted to reconnect with an old friend but she was busy with something on Reach, so he could only talk with her briefly. He wished he could ask but it was above his clearance so he didn't bother. Then he had to reveal the rocket launcher he got to blue team via blowing up their tank. And when he got to base for a debriefing of what the hell that's been going on, he received a cherry on top of this bad day.

"Let me get this straight. You left the Warthog to head round back, then got it blown up by the tank?" He asked with what little patience he had left.

The Warthog was currently overturn next to the base. The tank had shot at it, blowing it up towards the base. Somehow mostly intact.

"Well... we had to cover donut, and they weren't really going to anywhere anytime soon. So..." Grif said trying to defend himself.

"Grif." He said in a flat tone.

"Yes sir?" He replied.

"Do you have any idea how much this piece of equipment costs?"

Grif could already guess where this was going. "I should start running huh?"

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