Chapter 14 - Beginning

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Kronos was delighted by how well everything was going. She could feel her prison walls weakening. Of course she to reset the days quite a few times, but they wouldn't look that deeply into.

She made sure of it.

Now was the time for the final changes. She had made works of fiction come to life in order for her to get enough power to be rid of this prison for good. Star wars, kill la kill, Hero Academia, and a few of nintendo titles that exists on the far reaches of the universe.

"Once I add in these heroes from the companies of Marvel and DC, I will be finished. Caboose will get powered up by all these different franchises and then he will break me free." She exclaimed to herself.

"Quite the plan you have their." A voice echoed.

"Yes I do think so my-" Kronos paused. She realized who that was. Someone far more dangerous, albeit not as strong, as Seadrag. She turned around in horror to see rainbow colored wings.

Red Base

Church could not be more frustrated. He had a simple mission. He had made a simple plan for the simple mission. Warn Red team about Tex attacking their base. They bought his excuse for leaving a conversation to free Tex, without them knowing about it, once. He figured he could easily convinced them to prepare for Tex's attack against them.

How wrong. He. Was.

(Gigantic! Attack!) He said in Spanish. He was currently possessing a body he had picked at random. He would choose a different body that didn't speak Spanish, but he was currently stuck inside this body. 'This day couldn't get any worse.' He thought to himself.


"Son of a bitch" The orange and maroon soldiers yelled.

(Son of a bitch!) He shouted. They all ran for cover. He then started complaining at his team before he then realized they can't understand him.

"Simmons, what's going on?" Church heard over the radio.

"We're under attack sir!" Simmons said as another round hit the base with a explosion.

"Simmons, I'm coming around in the Warthog. Get ready to take the gunner position when I and Fritz come by. Grif, I need you to provide covering fire with lopez." Sarge said.

"Copy that sir." Simmons

"I'll uh... Provide covering fire I guess?" Grif said nervously. He tried to move to hide behind another one of the bases battlements but a shell from the opposing tank passed by his face which caused him pause.

"On second thought... I'll uh... I'll stay here." Grif said.

"Yeah. Stay here, and guard this cement ramp. It's vital to our success." Simmons said sarcastically as he went to the ramp. Sarge drives up to him.

"Alright, I'm on board." Simmons said as he hopped on the warthog.

"Alright, here's the plan-

Sheila fires and hits the rear passenger tire, blowing up the jeep and launching Sarge, Fritz and Simmons onto Red base.

"Wow, back so soon? You guys win the war already?"Grif asked with a grin that church could just hear.

"So was that the plan Sarge?" Simmons asked.

"If we survive this, I'm gonna kill both of ya. Slowly." Sarge said to them frustration.

Caboose 3 minutes earlier.
"Hey Tucker?" Caboose asked

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