Chapter 12- Discussion

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Tex will never say she was the jealous type, but having seen what she considered the idiotic newbie have a symbiote which is basically venom from Marvel comics. The potential in the right hands could end entire wars.

"Tex are you even listening to me."

Oh right she was talking with church.

"Yeah, you were complaining on be doing my jobs?"

"Is it really complain when I'm right?"

"Guys, " Caboose interrupted, "You two have been arguing for almost an hour now! Can we please talk about literally anything else."

"OK." Tex says, "Where did you find a Venom?"

"I told already, in a cave." Church responds. "It happened during you failed attempt at taking out Red Team."

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought I was talking with Caboose, not Ghosty Mcgee." Tex snapped at Church.

"If you're that curious," Venom starts, as to avoid another argument, "Why don't you just ask me?"

"Because I don't trust you. You appear out of nowhere and bond with Caboose because, what, you were lonely?"

"I am not carnage. I will not lie unless it's to protect the klyntar from invasion."

"Really, then where are the rest of these 'Klyntar'" Tex asks.

Venom stays silent for a moment. "... Dead. Killed off by the forerunners."

"Forerunners? What are they, a exercise division or something?" Tucker asks.

"No." He says in a tone filled with disgust. "They are a jealous spieces who do not like others in charge other than themselves. They destroyed my spieces because we would not bow to them."

Everyone goes silent. "Wait, how are you alive?" Church questions.

"I, and a few others, were kept around as lab rats for their experiments. They mess with our very atoms just to see how we work."

"Then how did you escape?"

"I didn't, well not on my own volition. I was transported here in the caves a few days ago. I was wandering around in them until Caboose found me." Venom says soberly.

"... Do you know if others escaped?" Tex asks.

"Yes. I don't know where they went, or how I know, but I do believe they escape to parts unknown."

"I see." Tex responds. This hampers her plans of just grabbing a symbiote and going ham on the Covenant. She had to make a new plan. If she observes them for long enough, then she might get a symbiote herself. Maybe learn how they reproduce. She knows what ONI and the insurrectionists do once they find out about venom. She felt for it but the UNSC was Losing the war, if they lost humanity would go extinct. There was no time to play heroes.

45 minutes earlier at Red Base

Saying that Sarge had a headache would be a understatement. He could tell he took a bullet to the head, but it seems his armor managed to stop it from actually damaging his skull, much less piercing it.

'Gotta thank whoever made this armor for me. Gonna need a new helmet though.'

"Ugh... What happened?" He asks.

"Sir, you got shot in the head, so we gave you CPR and saved you, sir." Simmons replied.

"I'm sorry, but who exactly gave me CPR." Sarges questions.

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