Chapter 8 - More Meeting's

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"No way dude."

"Im telling you Tucker, Tex is totally a girl." Caboose said. They were both currently on top of the base while Tex was making a plan to take on Red base.

"No way. You heard Church, he said they were both after the same girl." Tucker countered.

"No, he said Tex was the reason they never married. After her using me as target practice, I can see why."

"Pretty sure he used you as target practice because you interrupted him."

"That's beside the point. Besides, scientifically, girls are a lot more dangerous then males when they're protecting their young." Caboose argued.

"Pretty sure that's only mammals."

Caboose then stares at him. "Really Tucker?"

"If you're both done gossiping," Tex interrupted as they walked towards them, "We have a base to raid."

"Right. What's the sir." Tucker said dutifully, not wanting to risk Tex's wrath.

"Alright, since Caboose wants to help so badly," Tex said in a sarcastic tone, "He gets to carry the flag back to base while I take out Red team."

"What about me? What should I do?" Tucker asked.

"You get to keep to watch on Red team. Notify me if any of them enter the base." Tex replied. They then turn to Caboose. "Follow me. We're going through the caves."

"Uh... Won't we get lost?" Caboose asked.

"Just follow me. I will mark a path so you don't get lost on the way back."

"Oh. Ok!" Caboose replied.

"Alright, let's move out." Tex said as they moved towards the back of the base, jumping to the ground. Caboose followed a few seconds later.

Tuckers sighs. "Church is going to be so mad."


"How's the repair going Lopez." Sarge asked.

Lopez was wondering if his creator was joking. He lacked a voice modulator, so he couldn't exactly respond. He knew the Jeep, sorry - the Warthog was nearly fixed, it just need a few things connected back together and it would be good as new. So he decided to give him a thumbs up.

"Good. Now once that's done, you can fixed up that robot you found. Which reminds me, where did you find it?" Sarge asked.

Lopez stop working on the Warthog and looked at his creator.

"Yeah nevermind. It wasn't that funny anyways."

His creator needed a joke book.

As Tex and Caboose made their way through the caves, Caboose wondered what to do about Tex. He wanted to do what Church asked, but Tex was way to terrifying to stop or say no to. Honestly, he was hoping the plan goes smoothly.

'I hope he won't be too mad.' Caboose thinks as he sees the exit.

They both leave to see the back of what he assumed to be Red base.

"Wait here." Tex said. Caboose watched as her armour turned her invisible. He could still make her out only because a glimmer in the air. He watched as the glimmer went to the left side of the base. A few minutes later he saw a explosion on top of the base.

"Son of a bitch!" He heard shouted from the top.


Lopez heard the explosion. He turned to see what was going on. He could hear a fight going on top of the base. He made to move, but was stopped by Sarge. He a finger to where lips would be. What was he planning?

"Lopez, how long to fix that droid you found?" Sarge whispered.

He then realized what Sarge was planning. He raised one finger.

"Good. Is it in the garage."

He nods his head. It was the only place where red team could repair their machines easily.

"Good. Let's go." He said. Lopez had moved the Warthog infront of the garage to better access the tools in it, and so they didn't have to drive the Jeep very far once they were finished with the repairs. They quietly open the door and got to work repairing the damaged battle droid.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Caboose saw Tex with a flag. She threw at him. He managed to get out of the way before it imbedded itself in to the stone wall.

"Can you not kill me please?" He asked Tex over the radio, "I rather like being alive. One of my favorite things to do honestly."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I brought a child with me." Tex said mockingly.

"... I'll just take the flag." He said as he watch her head in to the base. He honestly just wanted to go home at this point. But he had to serve in the military for 11 more years before he could get a retirement check. Then he could use the money to help his sister's with whatever they wanted, and be there for them.

It took him a few minutes, but he was able to finally remove the flag from the wall. It had made him realize how lucky he was that Tex didn't decide to use him as a punching bag.

'Pretty sure I wouldn't be able to serve in the Spartan's Program anymore.' He thought as he made his way through the caves.

'Ah well, at least nothing can go wrong from-' His thought was interrupted as he saw a black mass of... something with two white eyes on it in his path.

"Note to self. Never think that phrase ever again."

Today really wasn't his day.

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